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Dull eyes. Unforgiving eyes, Lively eyes, troubled eyes, angered eyes. Broken eyes. Isn't it amazing how much you can learn about someone by just their eyes? Though sometimes they give too much away 

 Isn't it amazing how much you can learn about someone by just their eyes? Though sometimes they give too much away 

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Stiles sat in chemistry however, it was the last subject on his mind. Isaac was now Derek's new beta the unanswered question being why him? Estella and Dawn were nowhere to be seen and now the infamous Jackson was sat in the principal office talking to none other than the Sherrif. Stiles thought may as well get one problem sorted so like any other teen who just so happened to want to go to the principles office he threw a paper ball at the back of his teachers head giving him and his best friend Scott 2 tickets to the principles office. 


Stella and Dawn sat in her car driving around with no destination just the 2 girls and some snacks to keep them going through the rough talk the sisters were about to have. Dawn was confused at Stella's change in location as they were supposed to talk at home, however, Stella knew she couldn't go home just yet not while the presence of another guardian was there. Frankly, she wanted to fix her broken relationship before going into business. 

They ended up driving to a hill a peaceful place and one where they could gaze up at the sky -a place where both their names originated from- For the first few minutes silence filled the air. "do you hate me" were dawns first words to her sister not only breaking the silence but Stella's heart too. Before she could even open her mouth to reply dawn spoke again. 

"You left me that night to go see stiles I woke up with just a note saying 'staying at stiles' love you' For days I waited for you to walk through the doors so we could go to school together or eat together or just so I could talk to you when I was having a bad day but no you were off with your friends who I thought were mine too but I guess not. Do you know how hard it was for me to see you lying in that bed for weeks? I couldn't even look at you. You looked dead. I thought I was never going to see you again. Ace had to bring food up to me just to make sure I would eat he would hold me while I cried just like a brother would do all the while I had to put on a brave face and go to school and lie to everyone around me. And when you woke up you ran straight to Scott and Stiles like you had known them forever. let me ask you a question do they know who you really are. No. Do you really think you can keep them in the dark forever? Isaac already told me  Derek knows who we are I he's keeping it to himself for now. Do you really want your friends to find out who you are from Derek?  I'd rather the people I trust know who I really am so they don't feel betrayed when they find out. Trust me Stella  I would know betrayal hurts like a bitch." Dawn finished her eyes swirling with emotion as she stared straight into Stella's eyes.  

"But the thing is you don't even know who you really are You once thought you were Harmony Nova Mikaelson, Now you think you are Estella Nolan but both of those identities are just a facade you live behind not knowing who you truly are. Listen to me I'll always love you you just need to promise not to leave me again because if you do there is no going back" she finished walking away leaving Stella to ponder over her last sentence. 

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