Another chance

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Author's Note

I am very elated for the progress so far. Thanks to wattpad for the recognition and rankings given to 'Satan's Most wanted Person'.

Thanks to my cherished readers for giving this story a chance either by voting, commenting or adding it to your reading list. I really appreciate it and I feel motivated.

So someone would ask, 'what is your goal for writing this novel?'

My goal for this story is to:

1. Let everyone know that anybody can be a candidate on Satan's most wanted list and you will come to understand why.

2. Open the eyes of my readers to know that there is more to life than what meets the eye. Many things have gone on - both in the spiritual (unseen) and the physical (seen) - even before we were born.
Also, there's a history in our ancestry background, bloodline or previous generations before us which may have had a huge bearing on our present predicament and there's a hidden reason why we're being faced with certain life battles and struggles.

3. The implication of our names on us. I am coming from a country where it is believed that, our names do play a significant role in our lives. Every name has a meaning and so, what you're being called could play a part in influencing your future's destiny.

4. Enable my readers see some of the devices and tricks the devil plays on us.....and so on.

5. Where God's stance is, in the question of our destiny... in this sense, Akosua's destiny.

NB: For updates notifications you'll have to follow my profile and/or add this story to your list. You wouldn't want to miss this.

The story continues...


Whatever reasons my dad could have had for doing what he did to my mom and to us doesn't seem logical and cannot or should not be defended any case . It's outrightly uncalled-for, not condonable. This is why his regrets are so grave.

When I spoke to my mom on phone, she made some daunting remarks when I questioned her. Apparently, I was petitioning her to reconsider and pay us just one visit at least.

"My daughter, if I didn't leave, I would have died from the emotional pain and torture your father caused me" she said on the phone not hiding the compassion in her voice

This was her, not trying so hard to blackmail me emotionally
She would have been overshadowed with the pain and shame that could suffocated her and in effect, constrict fragile heart from beating normally. She wouldn't be able to bare it especially when some church members questioned her womanhood regardless of how serviceable and astute she held on to her faith.

These and many more factors are the reasons why I have issues to the one up there who created me and said there is a certain Holy Spirit who is to be with me as the pastor claims...and the church factor I loathe it.

Where exactly was God at that point in time and even if he was with me, what was His job description... I guess it has nothing to do about the situation.

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