A comatose patient in coma

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Let me tell you one thing about my father; Mr. Richard Gator is a totally broken person.

The nurse was kind enough to tell me he has been rushed to the ICU but not elaborative enough to give me more details about his condition. She only tells me, the doctor will attend to me in no time.

In no time means; we can't exactly tell you when and I get it.

I try my best to be calm because at this point, I don't know what to do anymore. I sit on the waiting chair and even though I'm concern about his recovery, I'm more worried about the bills to pay in this expensive looking hospital.

Deferring my course for three years to work double shifts to pay up my dad's loan debts, mortgage and taking care of him during his accident, has deprived me of saving money and going back to school.

In some few months to come I'll be twenty-three.

I'm just too young for all this.

Taking my phone from my purse, the only person I can call is my mom.

"Mom, dad has been admitted to the hospital, he is in the ICU, Mom..." I say with breaking voice and let all the hidden tears flow.

"Oh my goodness! What happened?!" She responds in shock

"He collapsed and someone rushed him here" I narrate

"So what are they saying now?"

"Mom, I can't deal with this too, I need you... they're not saying anything. Please come"

I plead with her. She may be far away but for my sake she should come.

"Oh my daughter, I will try to come. You know I can't handle this situation, your father has caused me so much pain and seeing him in that state might cripple me the more" she says and I hang up the call, switching off my phone in the process.

I'm really disappointed in her as though she's the only one going through pain. I always try to reason with her but I can see it's getting her to be more selfish.

She may try to call back for a while—when I'm fully relaxed from this whole stress—i will switch back on my phone and hope to see her message that will imply her coming over, then I will send her the address. I wouldn't call her, I will only respond when she calls and tells me what I want to hear.

I'm tired of all the disappointments.

After what seems like hours of waiting, I see a young looking doctor approaching towards me.

I expect doctors—well experienced ones—to look like they're in the late 40s or 50s, so I can be fully assured of their medical background. But this one, I'm not convinced and I sure hope he's not the one attending to my father.

"Hi, you are Akosua?" He greets me and extends his hand for a shake and I stand to meet him

Taking his hand in mine "Yes I-" i pause, feeling a strange chilly sensation in my palm. Did I see a blue light flash in his eyes or he's wearing a blue lens? "Am" I complete my sentence

I look oddly at him trying to focus on his eyes. I think 'they're beautiful too.' Letting go of his hand and pulling from his tight grip.

"Um thanks for the compliment" He says with a smile showing off a dimple

"Wait what?" Was I thinking out loud or did any word slip from my tongue without my knowledge?

"I can tell from your face that you've just complimented me" He points out to my utmost confusion

"Oh really?" I furrow my eyebrows in askance

"And well, if you're concern with my eyes, will it help you when I say they're actually a uniquely customized lens I'm wearing?" He says, as though he was reading my mind

"Okay. Uniquely customized I get it now"

"Good. I'll cut to the chase. Your dad is in a critical condition" he goes straight to being as professional as a doctor should and I admired how he was able to switch my mood from ogling his facial features to my dad's health status.

"First pardon me but I hope you are not the doctor in charge of my father" I have to let it out because of my misgivings

"Sorry to disappoint you dear, I am"

"Can't they like, actually get me a much older doctor to take care of him because you know, my dad is in his fifties and-"

"I'm in my thirties, and you think I'm not qualified enough to handle the senior man so you'd rather much prefer someone older than I...right?" He says hitting the nail on the head and I scratch my hair.

If I have insulted his capabilities, it didn't show on his face. He didn't look offended, rather amuse.

"Not perse," I try to defend myself "but it's more of a personal preference to me"

"And a discredit to me, Akosua" He replies with a smile

"I should be entitled to my preference and opinions isn't that right?"

"Yes and perhaps, I haven't yet introduced myself to you, forgive my manners. Let me clear your doubts first. I am Dr. Claunt Luc. You may search me up"

Is it me or do all doctors behave and talk this way. This one seems too gentlemanly to me.

"Nice meeting you Dr. Claunt Luc. My first time hearing the name though, and since I'm not into social media...but for my father's life  concern....let me take this quick opportunity to research about you"

"Please go ahead" He points to my phone with a hint of pride exuding.

I switch on my phone and see no messages from my mom. So I go straight to Google.

Wow! Very impressed. I face-palm myself for underestimating and prejudicing him.

So here I am, in the most expensive private hospital which happens to be his father's inheritance to him. I'm looking at his image, seeing the number one richest doctor under 40, who has first class degree in medicine from Cambridge University and he's been all over the news, radio and TV, doing so well...

But I just tell him indirectly that, he's not capable of taking care of my father and I'd prefer someone older?

Which planet did you hail from? I scolded myself

Sincerely, I might as well ask him to discharge my father for my behaviour. Besides I can't afford this place even if I save for the next five years...and he's been nice to me.

I shamefully place my phone in my purse, taking much time to do that. He was expecting me to say something after my discovery of who he is.

"I'm sooo soooorry Dr. Luc, please forgive me" were the only words I come up with

"I take it that I have now been well introduced. Shall I proceed?" He asks and I instantly started thinking about the cost involved

Stuttering, "I'm- umm, I, Doctor Luc, in case I should know what proceed means, we can do a transfer to a government hospital. He has health insurance and the bills there would be-"

"What are you talking about?" He laughs at my ignorance and I begin to feel intimidated "I didn't mean that, if you're thinking it's about money. I meant his diagnosis"

"Ooh! Ok" I feel embarrassed "please do."

"You're dad is in coma. He has a congestive heart failure. We're doing our best to stabilize and regulate his heart beat, so don't worry okay. He'll get better with time," he says and I slump back to sit on the chair.

Finally they meet.

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