The Sent One -7th realm

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Another update here!!!

Sorry for the long wait.


Pastor Elias

In all of my thirty years on earth and 2100 years above, being created with fire and mighty wind, I must say that this present-day 21st century generation, are the most luckiest yet most disrupted ones.

Yes. I am one of the many Guardian Seraphim-angels, specifically sent by the Holy One Most High to watch over Xorlali. Right from the beginning, I have been with her parents when they got married 30 years ago to ensure that their consummation will successfully form her foetus after seven years of marriage.

On the 17th of July 1998

"I have poured out the spirit of patience and endurance to Lilian all through these seven years ( Patience is one of the many fruits of the Holy Spirit and it allows us to work out things into perfection in one's life, that is if they possess it)....and now, it is finally time to mould her womb for the formation of the zygote as instructed by the Most High" 

I report back to the host of angelic jury gathered on my progress. The Heavenly jury are the ones who are to certify when a mission or the task required of us angels, have been performed in somebody's life successfully.

The number seven represents perfection in the realms of the spirit and she has to be perfected right from the womb of her mother. During which I've had to cancel -year by year- all the curses place on her family for her sake throughout those seven years.

Jeremiah 1:5 (KJV) 
Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee.  

Should there be any hindrance in any  form, either by virtue of their sins, background or genetic defects, curse or any Satanic activities, they will have to note them down for a new strategy to take cause 

Whenever I talk about 'tasks', I'm referring to the selected missions based on account of human prayers, truthful or spirit-filled worship and praise to the Most High, good deeds and services to God or to their fellow humans, or a covenantly bound person.

Akosua's case happens to be special because she falls in all of the above categories.

That makes her more of a valid candidate for angelic presence and assistance. That is why God could go -even to the extreme- on her behalf

"Make sure you turn her uterus turned towards her left side. I am changing the whole biological nature of Richard's sperms by sanctifying and blocking out the unwanted semens that had entered  from her right...due to the curse." The Most High had said

And it was so... in the formation of Akosua whiles she was just on the way to becoming a clot of blood.

It took me three seconds to ensure this spiritual operation had taken place immediately after they have had sex that faithful night.

And yes...I was there to observe everything. Humans and their obvious life patterns!

By blowing the firey-wind of transformation around her mother's lower abdomen. It was done!

I watched on as Lillian complained to Richard of a discomforting abdominal heat whiles clutching unto her pelvic area

He took it lightly but I knew how she felt so I smiled... after a minute, she was back to normal. As though nothing has happened

Yes. That was me at work!

We are well-aware of Akosua's ordeal even before her ancestral lineage came into existence.

But one thing - we as angels - cannot fathom, is how the Most High decided to allow this innocent young girl, go through all the struggles she's going through now just because she's the destined one...

We are mere heavenly creatures who cannot also understand our creator just as you humans!

Yet, I can assure you that she is the most loved amongst her parent's lineage and thus, powerfully protected by the Most High.

This is one of the major reasons why I had to take over the body of a human being, the young man she knows as Pastor Eli Elias.

When the Holy Spirit instructed me prior to her arrival to the church that faithful Tuesday.

I searched out for a young lad with pure heart at dawn on that very day, and came across the body of Pastor Elias, lying in a deep sleep.

For the mission to be accomplished in the 7th realm of angelic visitation, I descended from the heavens and took over his will and flesh.

What most humans don't know is that, in the 7th realm of angelic visitation, an angel can being charged to take up human form, in order to accomplish a task that seem too daunting or extreme for mere mortals who are destined to do great things.

This was the time and the case of Akosua.

What she doesn't know is, her surname was changed to Xorlali by her mother on her 17th birthday under the influence of the Holy Spirit.

The more reason why I told her it was the Holy Spirit who brought her to the church.

Also, another candid factor as to why I want her to experience the presence of the Holy spirit by herself.


She is destined for greatness in this world, this same greatness has seen her through great tribulations in life.

She wants to give up, but heavenly father up there won't let her. He will seep through her will and win her trust back

My mission in her life is to make her see the light in the darkness. I am a messenger who has to love her soul and bring her to a successful end.

We have already seen in the heavenly realms, how the devil wants to manipulate and take her for herself. This is because she is a chosen one, she is unique and her spirit is preciously gifted.

It took me more than a year to post this update.
Sorry... I lost a dear one this year.

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