Quality Time with Everyone

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(Just wanted to say thank you all for making my story reach 10k! I never thought it would've reached this far 😊)

(Y/n's POV)

Man...I totally forgot about the concert today with those narwhals!

I bet it was beautiful ;__;

I return my attention back to Kipo as she starts complaining "I cannot believe Emilia had the nerve to come here and steal not one, but two friends!" "What about Boom-Boom?" Wolf pointed out to her.

"Two friends and Boom-Boom." Kipo corrected and faced all of us "We have to get them back, and soon! Emilia has the journal. She could create the cure any day, now." I held my chin as a thought came to mind.

"But do we really know if she has everything she needs to make it? And if so, then who should really go on this mission?" Just as I asked Yumyan raised his axe.

"We bravely volunteer!" The rest of the Timbercats did the same as they cheered on with Yumyan. Kipo rubbed her neck anxiously "Well, she also has the sonic emitter."

I looked back at Yumyan smugly as I crossed my arms "Still wanna go?" Yumyan stood frozen for a moment before shouting back "We bravely un-volunteer!" The Timbercats retreated their axes in defeat.

"All right, time to plan." Kipo turned her head to Dahlia "Dahlia, do you have our schematics?" She nodded as she made a perfect circle around Kipo with her axe. "As you can see, this is the ocean. Our target, Emilia, is somewhere in here."

"We're gonna need to fly over it to find them." Wolf stared at the circle "This is gonna be a stealth mission. We need to get the journal before she can create the cure, and rescue our friends."

"And Boom-Boom." Kipo and I said together as we laughed. We see Dave appear in between Troy and Benson "Troy's cool. He can totally join us." Kipo frowned at him "Aw, sorry, Dave. I'm afraid you can't join us. Remember the last time you were around a sonic emitter?"

I looked at both of them and gave Kipo a questionable gaze "What happened with him and the emitter?" Kipo began reenacting Dave's reaction "He was all like--Aahhh! Owww! Nooo!" She continued wailing and pretending to put her fake antennas in her ears.

Man, that must've been brutal for him. They're right, though. I don't think it's best for any mutes to join this mission. Troy looked at Kipo in concern "So, what exactly are we up against?"

"Emilia? Oh, boy! Let me tell ya. It all started when she enslaved my mom with mind control--"

"Kipo, wait." I said to her with a sad expression on my face. I rubbed my arm as I hesitated for a second before continuing. "I don't think I can come with you." She gave me a surprised look "But, why?" I held my breath as it became shaky as I tried to calm myself.

"Because..." I looked directly in her eyes as my facial expression turned serious "if I so much as even get a glimpse of her I won't hesitate to kill her right there on the spot."

I turn my back to her as gasps and murmurs could be heard all around me. "(Y/n), is killing really the answer here? I know she seems bad, but killing isn't--"

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