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Y/N - your name
E/C - eye color
H/C - hair color
H/L - hair length
S/C - skin color
F/C - favorite color

(Y/n)'s POV)

I quickly dodge the incoming attack from the giant water mute who held my friends captive as he was slowly draining their life force.

(**Cue Music**)

I didn't know what this thing was or how it came to be, but I did know one thing...

I had to stop it

(15 minutes earlier..)

"3,260, 3,261, 3,262. Ok, that's how many steps we are from our starting point. Three-thousand two-hundred sixty-two. Like, 3,262. A parsec." Kipo informed us as she continued on, "Let's do this. Let's look for clues from my dad." Ever since yesterday I felt like Kipo and Benson had been hiding something else from us that they didn't tell us from their trip to Ratland. "Duh, we go toward Proxima Centauri!" Kipo exclaimed as she went ahead of us. Now was my chance to talk to her.

"Hey, Kipo! You got a minute?" I asked her making my way next to her as we both stopped a little ahead of the rest of the gang. "Sure, what's up?" She said pulling up her arm jacket sleeve. I gently put my arm around her as I quietly whispered to her, "You know...if you ever want to talk to me about anything, anything at all, you let me know ok? I'm here for you if you ever want to get anything off your chest." Benson had overheard us and looked to Kipo who looked back at him and nodded at each other. I smiled warmly at her as she took a deep breath and was about to speak out something until Dave came out of his cocoon.

Baby Dave went and grabbed on to the fence, eyeing the water that was on the other side. Benson took hold of the cranky Dave as he sighed, "I can't take my eyes off you for a second." Looking at the crying Dave and to the water he spoke "Want some water?" "I'm thirsty, too." Kipo added, "Rule number 52 of the surface: standing water is a hard no." Wolf said as we all faced staring at the oddly dirty water. Kipo then went to these two water fountains, "If only that drinking fountain was working." She then pushed a button and immediately water came out. "Whoa! That's what that's for?" Benson questioned her seeing as how this was his first time using one. Wolf then took a lick from it, "It's safe." "Always thought those were tiny satellite dishes." He said thoughtfully as Kipo began drinking some more.

Kipo turned to me, "C'mon, (Y/n)! Come have a drink with us." I shook my head at her, "No, I'm fine. You guys drink up." She gave me a quick nod as she turned back to get more. Teenage Dave popped out and decided to drink from the smaller fountain, having trouble along  with it. Even Mandu drank some from the ground. Suddenly I hear a deep rumble beneath my feet and saw a big shadow cast over us. We all turned to see a giant water mute of sorts. The creature folded its hands together as he smiled down on us.

"Well this day just turned fantastic." He seemed to speak, but then I notice all my friends were acting aloof and looking tired almost. Hearing their groans that sounded uneasy to me I quickly snapped back to the water mute and pointed at him. "Who are you?! And what did you do to my friends?!" "I am a co-occupier of this planet, just like you, my friends. I'm a community of tardigrades." He then showed us on his hand a little version of himself, "Water-dwelling, microscopic water bears." He then went on land and presented himself with a hat, "But you can call me Tad Mulholland."

He went around us being in different forms of himself, "Some have referred to me as a guru, although, I don't like to think of myself that way." He stood by each of us, "I'm trained in different schools of visualization, meditation, warm stone massage." He then made a visual of a cake made of water in front of Dave. "I also make a really neat pineapple upside-down cake." He stood in front of us again, "Cause, heck, even Mulholland likes to mix it up a little. Mostly though, I'm a dream maker." Everyone started yawning as they were getting more sleepy.

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