Lost but Found

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Y/N - your name
E/C - eye color
H/C - hair color
H/L - hair length
S/C - skin color
(Keep in mind the reader is currently 8 yrs old! Now ON with the STORY!!)

(Emilia's POV)

"Liam, what is taking you so long?" Tapping on my foot impatiently as I waited for my brother to meet back in this very spot.

God, I hope he's not in some sort of trouble..

Just then I begin to hear faint music near the road next to me and could see a big van in the distance coming towards me. I gasped, taking cover behind a corner and peeked to see Liam(and another human girl..?) come out of the van that had two huge rat mutes. I couldn't hear their conversation but when the van finally left I came out and walked to them. "Liam!" I called out holding my crossbow firmly, making sure there aren't any more of those freaks around. I looked at Liam with a serious expression on my face. "Liam, you made mute f r i e n d s..? A-and who is this kid here with you?" Liam looked at the girl and put a hand on her shoulder. "This is (y/n), I found her wandering on her own out here. She lost her parents when she was very young. About the samples, I WAS trying to get it. But then they were just so nice, met (y/n) there and she was super nice too, they gave me cheese, we played games and went on fun rides and-"

"And you made FRIENDS with them?!"

I was about to lose it

How could Liam even think these disgusting mutes are considered "nice"!

And after all they did to this world!!!

The raise of my angered voice caused the little girl to cower behind Liam, as if she was scared of me.


"Yes, but they're not the monsters we thought they were." Liam made sure the girl was behind him. "They even have an amusement park! Oh, a-and after meeting me and (y/n), they're gonna make it a safe zone for mutes AND humans. How cool is that?" I crossed my arms, giving him a deadpanned look. "Liam, you can't be serious. We are going to be the ones who-" "Bring humans back to the surface! And we can do that! Just....without getting rid of all the mutes." He smiled as he glanced to the girl who smiled faintly back at him. I was taken back by what he just said. "What? No!" I felt my fist tighten into a ball, outraged of the nonsense he was making. The little girl then poked her head out from behind Liam. "Yea...not all mutes are as bad as you think they are!" Oh, I did NOT want to hear this kind of talk from a mere petty child who hasn't seen what the world had become these past 200 years. "Shut it you little twerp. You know NOTHING!" I yelled at her to which she went back to hiding behind my brother. "Hey, don't yell at her like that! She was just trying to help!" He yelled back, clearly starting to get agitated by this conversation.


H E L P?!?

How can that brat even help in this situation !

"They took our WOLRD from us, Liam." I gestured with my hand showing everything surrounding us. "Everything they have, they took from us." I stood in front of him again. "If we let them exist, they'll do it again!" Liam threw his hands up. "What if it's not as black and white as that? What if EVERYTHING we've been taught......is wrong?" I felt nothing but confusion coming from his mouth as I watched him uncover the girl behind him and kneel down next to her. I assume he was trying to comfort her after what I spat at her. Hmm. Without looking at me Liam spoke out again. "I'm gonna show people what mutes are really like. This will change everything!"

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