Twin Beaks

987 36 11

Y/N - your name
E/C - eye color
H/C - hair color
H/L - hair length
S/C - skin color
F/C - favorite color

(Jamack's  POV)

I followed the two-headed black flamingo on my dragonfly. I was determined to speak with Scarlemagne about offering me a place in his palace. Now that I don't have a home anymore..

(**Cue Music**)

I looked ahead of me as I was stunned to see mute gangs surrounding the Las Vistas Zoo. I hopped off and hid behind a tree and I couldn't believe what I was about to hear..

Scarlemagne seemed to have gathered everyone for some sort of reason. I stayed hidden as I begin listening in on his speech. I watched him grunt a couple of times as he shouted at all of us "There's a burrow girl on the loose!"

Ah, so that's why he called everyone here..

He quickly composed himself before speaking again, "Pardon me, lost my composure there for a moment." He gave a sigh as he continued, "It was only 200 years ago that humans, like that burrow girl...kept us locked up in prisons just like this one!" He gestured behind him, showing the zoo. "Well, now the tables have turned." He raised his arms as a flock of flamingos being rode by his nobles landed on each of his sides.

"This is how all humans should be, obedient. I can make them into an army. An army I can use to build an empire! Mutes on top! Humans below!" He exclaimed loudly as his nobles, his humans, were cheering for him. It was until he snapped his fingers did they stop. And suddenly all of the mutes, including me, gasped at how he could easily control them. I was shocked to my core.

"Back to that burrow girl. She can lead me to more humans. Enough to rule Las Vistas. Whoever brings her to me will be rewarded with a position of power and luxury, beyond your wildest dreams!" I smiled to myself.

Finally! This is the opportunity I needed..!

I could get back at those who did me wrong, haha!

"So, I ask you, do you dream big?" Everyone cheered a bit until he repeated himself, "I can't hear you..!" Everyone then cheered louder as Scarlemagne shouted once more "Bring me the burrow girl!" I turned around, snickering at myself. "Nothing would give me more pleasure.." I said quietly to myself as I start walking to my dragonfly.

And I know just how to find her..

(Y/n's) always with her, maybe if I could...




He only wants the burrow girl, I shouldn't let (Y/n) be involved

I sighed as I got on my dragonfly.

I know she's not gonna let me take her that easily..

(Y/n)....please..I don't want you to get hurt

(Y/n's POV)

So, here we are again, walking to our destination on the map that Wolf and Dave found. I was walking beside Kipo as she stared at the map her dad left her. "Hmm, according to his map, my dad wants us to head toward a giant nose." I looked at her puzzled, "A giant nose..?" She seemed just as confused as I was, "Maybe I'm reading this wrong." I caught her staring at Wolf, the events that happened last night were not unprecedented. It was an emotional roller coaster for all of us.

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