Surface Girl

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H/L - hair length
S/C - skin color
(Keep in mind the reader is currently 8 yrs old! Now ON with the STORY!!)


Buildings. Nothing but buildings and wildlife growing on them for miles on end. Streets empty and silent like the whispering winds soaring through the air all around us. My tummy starts growling uncontrollably again as I gently put a hand on it. "Man, I'm starving.." frowning at myself I shook my head and kept going forward hoping to find some source of food.

(10 minutes later)

Making my way around the corner I continued to walk until I suddenly tripped over what looked like a bunch of vines. I groaned in annoyance as I tried to get back up again.

Ugh...could this day get ANY better??!

I looked to my left seeing a wall covered in leaves. I began to ponder the thought of there being something behind it. So I decided to give in to my curiosity and have a look. I put both both my hands up, steadying myself carefully and pushed forward until I could no longer see my hands. After I felt no solid stone or leaves I made a path open for me and quickly stepped through only to find what used to be a "Shtore..?" from what my parents called it. It was a place for people to stop by and get essential things like food, drinks and all that junk. Gurgling noises came from my belly once again saying that I needed food immediately. I began looking around seeing if there was anything edible and low and behold I hit the motherlode! I opened several chip bags and scarfed them down, some of them even tasting a little stale but I was too famished to care. I found a bottle water and drank almost half of it and decided to keep the rest in my bag. I walked a little more around the sh-store...

Yes, I think I said that right.

I saw a sign on one of the machines they use that said "Hot Dog" and questioned on the name of the food.

I wonder how those taste like..
Like, are they actually MADE of dogs?? Or are they made to look like them?

Sighing at myself for thinking such ridiculous questions I think back to them...
Making my eyes tear up a bit I looked up at the ceiling "oh...I wish you guys were'd probably have an answer to all my silly questions and probably make fun of me afterwards and we'd all have a laugh...haha" I chuckled slightly and shifted my body around to face the counters to which there was a pink box sitting right there. With an oooh expression I slowly lifted up the top and peeled inside only to find...


There were so many different colored ones I almost didn't want to eat them because they just looked too good to eat buuuttttt...these are probably the only donuts I'll ever find in this apocalypse so better make it count!

(After eating delicious tasty donuts)

"Oh, man was that good!". I giggled to myself before receiving a loud burp to which I laughed at. I then look around the store more to scavenge and found some useful things I'll need just in case and placed them in my bag for safekeeping. Once I had everything I needed I was about to leave when I saw a brand of chips I never seen before and was in a purple bag. I was about to put in my bag for a later snack but I stopped and looked at the bag once again.

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