Let's Get this Prahm Started!

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(Woooooooh! This gonna be a FUN chapter ^^ So, let's change things up a bit as well....>w>...<w<...ÙwÚ)

(Third Person's POV)

Once Kipo carried her friends and picked up her people she took them to Skyscraper Ridge, flinging the buildings away to make some space for Prahm. As soon as it was done her satisfaction she turned back to normal wiping the dust off her hands. "I needed that." She said grinning from ear to ear as everyone approached her. "OK. Now we decorate!" Wolf looked at her in confusion "Wait, Prahm's not off? But they said no. They seemed pretty mad, remember?"

Kipo chuckled "We just didn't ask them right. They need an apology." Zane then speaks "And it needs to come from us." Giving her a determined answer. "Right!" Kipo agreed as she held her fist in the air "We need to live it. We need to DANCE it!" Doag cheered "Yes!" Wolf looked at her oddly and then back at Kipo "Dance it?" Kipo held her hips "We need to Prahm-pose." Wolf just stared at her as if she was just making these things up.

"I have no idea what you guys are talking about." Kipo smiled brightly "Right. Prahm-posing is an ancient tradition that goes all the way back to the old world." (Y/n) steps in "Wait, for real..?" Kipo pointed at her "Yes! If you want someone to go with you to Prahm, you've got to Prahm-pose to them." (Y/n) got excited as she jumped a little while holding Hugo's hand. He gazed at her lovingly never seeing her this excited before. He smiled as he was thinking of a plan in his head.

"It's the perfect way to get the mutes to join us. Plus, nobody can say no to a float." She grinned. "What's a float?" Wolf and (Y/n) asked at the same time. Kipo walked up to them "Only the most exciting and visual way to celebrate all of our differences." Everyone clapped their hands as they cheered, wanting to get started right away. The first thing they started working on was the concept of the float they were going to build.

Kipo grabbed a stick and started drawing on the sand a visual of what she wanted the float to look like. It was an earth that had figures of both mutes and humans holding hands side by side. Everyone smiled, seeing as how they liked the idea, and soon Kipo put all of them to work. Everyone was given tasks like, which team should build the float, which should decorate it, and who gets to perform. Kipo assigned Wolf and Hugo to be part of the decorations team, they really weren't fond of being on the performance team.

Kipo walked up to (Y/n) and Doag "OK. I have a very important task for you two. I want you both to be head of the dance team!" Doag squealed with excitement while (Y/n) just looked shocked and confused. "Wait, why pick me? Isn't Doag the expert here? Shouldn't it just be her?" She gestured to Doag. Kipo shook her head "But she's not the only one who can dance well. I've seen you in action, (Y/n). You may not think it, but you're just as amazing."

(Y/n) blushed at the compliment "Wow...you really think I still got it?" She nodded her head "Show her, Doag!" Doag smiled as she did a simple routine that involved a twirl, a backflip followed by a full split. (Y/n) did her best to repeat the same steps which started out slow, but she soon nailed the last part and did a perfect split as she smiled with joy and confidence at us. After that they immediately started coming up with a dance routine for everyone as Doag's friend were their backup dancers.

Wolf and Hugo were almost done decorating their "earth" as they placed the blue and pink flowers on the giant float. "After this works and Prahm is a raging success, I'm guessing it'll take nine minutes for Emilia to turn on us and attack." Wolf smirked at him "I would've guessed five." He turned to her "So, we're in agreement?" He suddenly looks to where (Y/n) and Doag were stretching their legs out as he watched his love pose in a way that revealed her, ahem....bottom. Kinda like a downward dog pose.

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