Down By Berg's Bay

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Y/N finished fixing the shell-like walls of L'manberg by late afternoon. Tubbo and Tommy were sorting through supplies and you had just climbed down and was strolling on your way to find your older brother. You found him with your nephew but as you came closer they stopped conversing. Fundy nodded to you and walked away. Wilbur smiled to you and you beamed back. Life here was simple but a joy resided in the lifestyle you lived.

"I see you're done?" Wilbur said to his H/C sister. You nodded as you stood there ,playing with the tips of your wings.

"Well then let me start you in your next new quest. It's one you may not enjoy so don't be hopeful," he paused seeing your face slightly falter as he said that. He realized you wanted adventure and independence,it was your main reason you had come to establish L'manberg with him in the first place. He did not want to risk you though and preferred if you stayed a secret from Dream for as long as possible.

"Walk with me?"

He stretched out his arm in a dramatically formal manner and you smiled playfully.

"Why how ever so kind of you fine gentlemen. Where might we be off to?" You said placing your arm in his , playing along with his dramatic charades. You walked till the edge of the walls and then firmly gripping hold of your arm , Wilbur took Y/N out of your safety and into the SMP.

They travelled for ten minutes ,Wilbur in a state of constant underlying panic and Y/N filled with curiosity and pride. They reached a bay ,uninhabited and desolate of man's touch. It was beautiful and you could not help but kneel down to touch the face of the water. The chill of it tingled your senses. Wilbur then sat down next to you and cleared his throat.

"This bay is beautiful no? This. This will be your new project. While we are not allowed in the SMP I wanted you to at least have somewhere not in L'manberg where you can have some freedom and still be within close enough range. I know it's not much bu-"
he was interrupted by your hand intertwined with his.
"Thank you Will."
You whispered to him,
" I will make it perfect."

Time skip by Yours truly

The next morning you packed your bag full of tools and items you may need for your bay to look perfect. A few flowers, shovels, hoes, a crafting bench and some watermelon seeds. ( I just like watermelons okay 🤫). After finding Wilbur and telling him where you were going Tommy stopped you ,clearly suspicious of your gear.

"And where do you think you're going woman?" He growled out. 'Oh boy.' You thought, 'I don't feel like explaining myself to a bean with no brains.'

You told him truthfully and he seemed to boil like a frog in a pot.

"WILL! HOW DARE YOU LET Y/N/N GO OFF! YA KNOW DREAM'S JUST WAITING TO KILL HER!" Tommy bellowed to his older brother.
" Oh come now Theseus! I can handle myself more than you or anyone in these walls. The Man in the Mask will be a smear of Blood for the Blood god (sneaky references 😏) once I'm done with him. Now. Get out of my way."
You growled at your younger brother. Sometimes he needed a reminder of who you were.

After another half hour of badgering and yelling at one another Y/N and Tommy made a compromise. You would be allowed to go only if Eret would accompany you. You scowled at the idea at first. Eret had always been a mystery and snake like in his mannerisms. However you would rather have the glasses boy sit and watch you than have Tommy who would try grow your watermelons in the trees or try to cut the ground with his sword instead of a hoe for hours on end.
Rather the silent than the annoying right?

You spent most of that day making a pathway to where you hoped to situate a little docking area for a future fishing boat. You coarsed the ground of the earth and hoed different little sections that branched off of it to make it look more natural and aesthetic. While you worked Eret would get you new supplies and food when needed, however when they spoke it was only brief. Once you were done with your path and satisfied , you dipped your hands and feet into the water.

"Hey Eret?" You called for the man in sunglasses. No reply.
Still nothing. The nerves in your body twitched with anxiety. You stood slowly and put a hand on the hilt of your trusty blade. Ash Maker you had named it. You turned to your path behind you ,squinting into the outer tree cover. There a figure stood , playing carelessly with a dagger. The figure was not Eret. Of this you were sure. The figure wore a green hoodie and black ripped jeans. The figures ehands were covered in black biker gloves and an ax hung on its back ever menacingly. The face of the figure was covered by the tree's shade.

"Who are you?"
You snarled to the figure. The closer you looked the more you could tell that the figure was male. His build was muscular not by just genes ,even though it may play a part, but by hard activity and work. He was tall about 6'2 near her little brothers height. The figure chuckled and threw the dagger he played with into the dirt by your feet.

"Well hello there Babybird. How wonderful to finally meet you."
He spoke to you.His voice was smooth and a bit monotone,probably forced. It sent shivers up your skin till you felt the tingle in your nose and your feathers shook. You tried to breathe but couldn't and tensed just a little bit more.

"Who are you. I won't ask again unless you'd like to introduce yourself with blood in your mouth."
You stated trying to gain control over your fear and excitement at this new specimen before you.

"Feisty I see, I like that for you Babybird. But I don't think that your strong will attitude can help you now,"
He paused and Y/N could hear the smirk in his tone as he continued ,
" after all... you are on my land."

Dun dun duuunnn 🎶sorry I'm bad. But thank you so much for reading I really appreciate it. I will see you all... IN THE NEXT CHAPTER! Phoenix out.🖤

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