A Tear In The Bond

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You attached a note to the raven's foot.
"Now go."
The bird taking flight and flying away. You turned and continued to track your brothers down. They seem to just stop. You looked around you, a strange curve in the grass caught your eye. Flicking it away you found a button. Pressing it, the wall in front of you opened up. You jumped back in alarm. Stairs led down to darkness. You breathed in and unsheathed AshMaker. Eventually you could not see your own feet. You crouched down and blindly rummaged in your bag until you felt a box of matches.

You flicked it on and the little flame glowed your way down a dirt tunnel. You crept through the hole as fast as you could. You saw a light at the end and waved the match out. Your eyes slowly adjusted to the brighter light. In front of you was a huge ravine. It had been lit up by scattered lanterns , some ores still left in the walls. Wooden stair casing had been started around the different levels. An arrow whizzed at you, your speed helping you avoid its graze. You caught it by the shaft and snapped it in half. You jumped down to the ground level.

Wilbur held a battered shield up and Tommy was aiming a crossbow at you.
Tommy shouted at you, you had forgotten you had your cloak on still. You pulled it off your head and your hair fell down your shoulders. Wilbur was the first to react. He smiled and threw his shield to the side. He enveloped his little sister into a tight hug. You grabbed him and hugged him just as tightly.

Tommy seemed dumbfounded by your presence. You had to step in front of him before he made a move to hug you. You hugged him tightly, you could feel his hug wasn't as felt. You ruffled his hair and a smile crept to his face.
"What are you doing here?"
Wilbur asked.
"I was there."
You said simply.
Tommy looked to you.
"You were the one who shot that arrow?"
You nodded.
"What about Dream?"
You sighed,
"He ... understood why I needed to come."
Tommy seemed to furrow his brows. Wilbur slunk his arm around you. You could see that your older brother had become paler, bags clear under his eyes. "At least you're here now! We've missed you Feathers! Come help me this way." And you followed Will.

Time skip

It had been a week maybe two since you had found your brothers. Wilbur and you had never been closer. You mined, built , repaired and spoke together. The same couldn't be same for you and Tommy. The boy had been distant with you. You tried to reach him, spoke to him about all sorts of things, but he would respond with one or two words and then walk off. You couldn't understand why but you felt like you should not push him. Tubbo had found them that day.He had basically tackled you to the ground with hugs. You were glad to see he had not change much. His horns had slightly grown. They stuck out a little more clearly now. It had been yesterday when Wilbur had started to think of a plan.

"So Tubbo you're like Schlatt's ...what? Second?"
You asked. Tubbo shook his head,
"No no! Quackity is his second. Fundy his main governer. I am more of his right hand."
"So his dirty worker."
Tubbo rubbed the back of his neck and blushed. You winked,
"Ahhhhh okay. So Will what does this have to do with your banishment?"
Wilbur rubbed the bridge of his nose,
"By having Tubbo then we have an inside man. It makes the plan I have a whole lot more simple." Tommy towered over his best friend.
"And why should we trust you? How do we know you're not just a spy?!",
Tubbo stepped back a little,
"Are you happier?! Are you happier there!"
Tubbo breathed in sharply as Tommy pointed his swords end to Tubbo's neck.
"N-no... of course not. Tommy you know I would not leave you.You're my best mate."
You intervened and pushed Tommy away from Tubbo.
"That's enough Theseus!"
You said,
"Tubbo is your best friend. What's going on with you?"
Tommy wiped some dirt off his face and shoved you,
"What's wrong? What's wrong she asks. What's wrong is that you left us! You deserted us!"
You felt yourself start to boil,
"I was the one who got you the independence! I was the one who sacrificed my FREEDOM for you! I made sure that you would be safe! Where is this coming from?"
You shouted.
You felt yourself slightly break.
"How could you say that? There wasn't a day that went by where I did not want to see you. There wasn't a day that went by that I did not want to ruffle your hair and fool around with you! Not a day that I did not worry about your safety!"
You could feel the tears choking you,
"It is not my fault that you did not send me letters! That you never responded to me!"
Tommy glared at you and firmly spat,
"Yet you still went behind our backs and and... flaunted around with that monster! STILL FELL FOR THE ONE PERSON I HATE MOST IN THIS WORLD! YOUR'E A TRAITOR! A LIAR!"
Your heart shattered in your chest, your wings falling all the way down to the ground. You felt a tear streak down your face.
He was right.
Tommy saw it and his face went from anger to regret. You dashed up the levels and marched straight out of the ravine. Wilbur ran after you but could not keep up. You flew yourself into the highest tree and sat on the branch. You let your tears spill. They trickled down to your chin and fell in your lap like shards of broken glass. Your heart cried with you. You body shook with the violent downpour.
He was right.

Eventually you calmed yourself down, in time to see Wilbur. You climbed down and he immediately wrapped his arms around you, his arms were thinner than you remembered.
"I'm so sorry for what he said. I am so so sorry. He's just overwhelmed, angry."
You breathed in a shaky breath.
You pulled away so you could look at him,
"Will when mom died... when she was gone I... I didn't have anything to live for anymore. I didn't eat. I didn't speak. I didn't sleep. I used to sit on that cliff and just look at those rocks... look at those sharp stones and wonder... what they'd feel like as they impale me."
Wilbur tensed under your hug. You did not speak of that time, he had not known how badly you had felt after their mothers passing. Had not known how depressed you had been.
"Then Tommy pulled that little stunt where he ran off the cliff... and I saved him. I saved him! That day I started to live to make him happy. To keep him safe.
After a while of course I did not make it my entire life goal, it... it still helped me become better, stronger. I gave my freedom for that boy.
I wanted to be the hero of his story. So so badly.
Tried all my life to be his hero...So why is he making me into the villain?"
Wilbur rubbed up and down your arms.

"I am so so sorry Y/N. I am sure that you are his hero. His absolute idol. I think he's just afraid. Just angry and afraid. And what he said about Dream? Don't mind that. If ...Dream is who you want then by all means follow your heart. I could not care less, you deserve happiness too. Come now."
You nodded against him.

The two entered the ravine again.
"H-hey Y/N listen I'm-"
"It's alright Tommy. Just don't do it again. Now. Wilbur. The plan."

Newww Chapter Innit! A big thank you to those who have voted for my chapters mainly naomi_7979  and jadedempress . I really appreciate it! Thank you for the 2K reads! Oms I did not think I'd make it this far. Anyway all have great days or nights and as always I will see you... IN THE NEXT CHAPTER! Phoenix out.🖤

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