Boat rides

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"Clay! Clay! Stop it! Ahaha!"
You laughed out as Clay splashed you with ice cold water. It had been three months since you kissed. Now the two of you did something for two hours every two weeks together. Today you were taking a small boat all the way out to the edge of the reef of your bay. Then you would just fish and tell stories.
"Never! I like listening to you laugh."
He said flashing that smile that made your heart melt.

"These worms are grooossss!"
You squealed as you picked one up. He tried to slide his worm onto his hook.
"Aaaah! I lost another! My fingers are so slippery!"
He shouted and laughed. You pulled a face at the slime on his hands. He washed them off , you helped him put his worm on his hook.
He lifted a brow.
You shouted and threw your line.

You spent hours talking.
"You know that Wilbur's hair is actually supposed to be blonde?"
You said. He picked his head up,
"No way."
You giggled.
"What happened?"
He said looking at you with those gorgeous green eyes.

"So when we were little Tommy and I found my Dad's enchanting book. So we decided to find some fun spells and mess around. Wilbur wasn't... the best guitarist when we were young. He... was annoying to put it simply."
You laughed at the memory of those horrid chords he used to practice.

"So one day I used the book on Wilbur's hair. The very next day he went from that blonde blonde colour that Tommy has to the brown he has now."
You laughed and Clay started laughing too.
You both never quite understood why it was so funny but soon enough Y/N was on the boat's floor and Clay was wheezing.

"What happened? Why is it-why is still brown?"
He managed to ask. You started laughing again.
"We just could never fix it! We couldn't-Phawahahaha."
You both were a mess again.

Time skip

"AHHH! Clay! Clay I got one!"
You shouted trying your best to reel the fish in. He scrambled across the boat and positioned himself behind you, putting his hands over yours and pulling with you. You pulled till the fish plopped out of the water and straight onto Clay's head.
You bursted out laughing.
He shouted flicking at the flopping fish.
You pinched the tail of the fish and picked it up. You dropped it into a bucket.
"You okay Clay?"
You smiled at the flustered man. His freckles standing out from his slightly pink cheeks.
"Feeling ...fishy Babybird."
He said and hugged you from behind. The electricity of his touch filling your being.
"You smell fishy too."
You said. He rolled his beautiful eyes.
He peered over your shoulder.

"What shall we name it?"
He said and you leaned on him.
"We can't keep him."
You said. He pulled away to throw you a confused look. You smiled to him.
"Name him. But we can't keep him. He deserves to be free."

He nodded slowly. Sometimes he forgot how much you had gone through.
"Cadmus. He's a cod. So Codmus?"
He mused and you smiled.
"Of course. Sounds good."
You said and took the bucket, slowly letting Codmus free.

They spent hours just sitting there, watching as stars started to twinkle.
"You know I cut my sister's hair off when we were little."
He said. You looked to him in amazement.
"You have a sister?!"
He nodded and half smiled.
"Why didn't you tell me? How old is she?"
"She's fourteen this year."
"I had no idea."

He turned to you.
"It's alright. I'll tell you about my family then. My father, he passed away a few years ago. Just old age, we were... never really close. My mother goes by Captain Puffy now. As soon as I became King she left on her own adventures, she writes to me to tell me she's still alive but other than that I don't hear much from her."
You reached out and squeezed his hand.

"Don't be. She's enjoying her life. Then there's my little sister Drista. She likes to live near the Community house but she has friends in Snowchester."
"And you cut her hair off? How rude."
You commented and Clay just laughed.
"Yeah I did. I don't remember why I was angry with her but I was. She had grown it very long. And so I sliced it off right behind the hairband she had. She had this skew bob for so long."
He was wheezing at the end and Y/N could not help but laugh along.

"Come on. Your brothers will be worried."
He sighed out and started rowing back in the twilight. You frowned.
"I don't want to go. I'll have to wait so long to see you again."
You whined. He simply shook his head and continued rowing. Finally they reached the dock. He helped you out of the boat.

"That was fun."
You said and he nodded.
"Well... goodnight Babybird. I will see you in a few weeks."
He started walking away. You pushed your wing out and pulled him back. You hugged him tightly. It took him a second to register before smiling and hugging you back.
"I made a wish. On a dandelion the other day."
He rested his chin on your head.

"What was it?"
Your face was lying on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.
"I can't tell you. The gods might be listening. But know... it was about you."

He planted a small kiss on your hair.
"Goodnight Y/N."
He whispered.
"Goodnight Clay."
You whispered back.

Tommy POV

I was watching with Wilbur. My blood boiling as I saw that monster hugging my sister.
"I should bloody kill them. She knows better than that! He's such a bad person!"
I kept grumbling till Wilbur smacked me across the head.
"Bloody hell Tommy!"
He snarled out, making me shut up.

"You really think that Y/N would fall for someone that she thought was a bad person? I know you've had your fights with Dream. Hell everyone knows. That doesn't matter if he makes her happy."
"No but-"
"No Tommy! She deserves to be happy. As much as you and I. Leave her. Don't bring it up. Let her be happy."
Wilbur said clearly, venom dripping from his words. I did not retort, even though I did not agree.

I hated that monster. Y/N was insane to remotely like him.
I'm losing them mom...
I'm losing Wilbur...
I'm losing Y/N...

NEW CHAPTER! Hey everyone I'm back again! Another update cause we like to be efficient like that. 😤 Shoutouts for this chapter! Thank you to @CrossFire1711 and @Riec_wat for the support! ( If you want a shoutout as said before just vote my chapters and leave a few comments.) Have great weekends everyone and I will see you... IN THE NEXT CHAPTER! Phoenix out.🖤

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