Night of Fun

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It had been two months since you had left L'manberg. Surprisingly the change had not shaken you too badly. The Dream Team were not bad at all. You remembered the time that George and you had stolen Sapnap's bandanna while he was sleeping. That entire day you had hid from Nick. You smiled at the memory.You had trained every day together. The Team had become like your brothers, Dream was... you didn't quite know.Sometimes they did classical one on one or one vs two fights in the arena next to the throne room. Other times they would take quizzes on certain aspects like potions making or history of the SMP. Y/N at first got most of the history wrong. You had never learnt about the SMP and you had felt so stupid. All your childhood you had learnt how to farm. Your teens were filled with absolute training and learning how to defend yourself. It was only when you were 15 that you finally learnt all you could about the monsters of the night, how to beat them, what loot they may hold... but never the history of the SMP. Not like Sapnap or George or Dream. You had been clueless, and Dream had seen it.

That lead to Dream introducing you to his library. Your heart had soared when you entered the room filled to brim with books. He had given you the keys for the door and left you to engulf the knowledge. When you weren't with the Dream Team doing training or messing around you came to the library and sat for hours ,from late morning to absolute dark, reading. You were currently reading the story of King Mavdu, an ancestor of Dream's. The man had been ruthless and had expanded the SMP's land by 30% in his reign. A knock sounded on the library door. You picked your head up and got out of your soft white chair. A familiar white mask peeked through the crack. Y/N smiled.
"What's up Dream?"
You asked walking up to the door and opening fully. Dream laughed behind his mask. It sent shivers into your nerves, you still didn't understand why. "Babybird have you seen the time? Come now we have a busy day tomorrow. Shall we?"
He said extending his arm dramatically. You grinned reaching out to hold his arm. Then a flash of the day Wilbur had fooled around and done the same went over your eyes. You hesitated, the feeling of missing your brothers overcoming you . Dream took your hand slowly and squeezed it. He had been quite patient with you, for that you were grateful. You smiled back sadly and let him guide you back to your room.

He let your hand go, an electricity leaving your fingers with him. Damn how you loved that energy he sent through you.
"Good night Y/N."
He said.
You breathed in and smiled to the mask you grown to look for in every crowd.
"Good night Dream."
They both went into their rooms. You got yourself ready for bed but as you were getting into the bed you saw a letter on your desk. Strange. You took the letter in your hands. A familiar wax symbol sealed it. L'manberg symbol. You ripped open the letter and sure enough there was a letter in your older brother's handwriting.
You shouted before slapping a hand over your mouth. Oops. You sat crossed legged on your bed and started to read. He spoke of how much he missed seeing you flying overhead. Told you how since their Independence ,L'manberg had been thriving. Many people had joined the nation and new official members of the government, like Jack Manifold and Nihachu. He told you that they had built actual buildings now and that lastly Tommy was well and fully recovered. You smiled as you read your brothers words, your eyes brimmed with tears.

You stuck the letter into your leather notebook. You started your own letter. Or you got as far as the first paragraph rather.
"Dear Wilbur, thank you so much for the letter. It is wonderful to hear from you. I am glad that Tommy is recovered. I am also astounded by the progress of L'manberg. I hope that it brings you all the joy on the world."
After that? You had nothing. You didn't know how express your emotions, your experiences through words. Not like Wilbur could. Eventually you told him about your current reading, how you trained, how the change was not as traumatic as you thought. You left out the fact that you had grown close to the Team. It felt like you were betraying your brothers if you told them. Lastly you told him about how much you missed them, how much you missed their smiles and their laughs.

You sealed the letter and left it on your desk. You would ask one of the messenger boys to deliver it for you. A muffled sound took Y/N's eyes off your letter. Grabbing AshMaker you opened the door and slipped into the hallway. The sound was from down stairs. You tiptoed down the stairs. The kitchen. The sound was louder in the kitchen but you could not find the source. Then the sounds came from under your feet. You felt the vibrations. Under the kitchen? You traveled down the servants thin staircase to where their dorms were. Right in their common room were all the servants. And they were dancing.

Music played from the band on the side and all the servants were drinking, singing or dancing. A banner saying 'Happy Birthday' hung from the ceiling.They were all so happy and cheerful. Y/N stepped off the last step and crouched down to watch. It didn't ,however, last long. After only one song the room fell silent. They all were looking at you. One of the maids came and curtseyed to the winged girl.
"I am terribly sorry miss, did we wake you?"
You shook your head.
"No need to apologize. Please continue, I have not seen such joy and such dancing since I was a child." You kindly replied. The servants looked at one another in disbelief.
"Miss... are you sure?"
Y/N smiled , standing up and taking one of the discarded guitars. 
"May I?"
You asked and they nodded. You started to play the only song you knew, The Soldier, the Poet, the King. One by one the servants relaxed and  started to party once again. The room filled with cheers and laughter. You sang, played and danced. Oh how you danced. Your feet moved in sync with the beat, the music latching into your soul. You danced with partners, men, women, even the little children. Hours on end, till the early morning.

The last song came on for the night, You were sitting down laughing with some of the stable boys when a tall man walked up to you. You looked up and met by beautiful green eyes.
"Sorry miss I was wondering  if you would care to join me?"
Something about his voice sounded familiar. The man himself was gorgeous. He was muscular and slightly tanned. And his green eyes caught your tongue in your throat. The only flaw you could see was a long scar across his nose bridge. You were too distracted by everything else that you could not pin why you thought he was familiar.
"Of course, I would love to."
You took the man's hand and together you danced.

He was light on his feet, agile. They danced till your feet burned. They danced on top of tables and counters. Everyone was clapping for them, only them. His green eyes almost never left your E/C. You felt a tingling in your hands, it felt like the electricity you felt when you touched Dream.  Your heart was racing and your mind was filled by the drug of music. Finally the last note sounded out. The gorgeous man then swept you to drink. You gladly drank with him, sang with him and laughing. His eyes were so happy, so vibrant. His smile sent a jolt of that earlier electricity and again you could not help but trail back to Dream. They lastly just swayed together, drunkily humming their own song. The servants slowly went to bed and you made sure to say goodbye to most of them. When Y/N turned to thank the stranger for the dance you found that he was gone.

NEW CHAPTER!!! Love to see it! So I'm in exams currently but I have chapters backed up and everything so it should not be a problem. Anyway pls pls vote and comment! I read every comment and I love your remarks. I will see you ... IN THE NEXT CHAPTER! Phoenix out.🖤

Her Villain (Dream x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें