The Contract

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"Quickly pass me that orange vial over there as well as that jar of purple petals!"
You tossed the jar to Fundy and he went to work on Tommy who lay in the middle of the van. You turned to your left and snapped a salt stick just under Wilbur's nose then spun to your right and started stitching Tubbo's deep gash on his left hand. It definitely would leave a scar.

You swayed as dizziness took over you. Fundy and you had been running around for hours, trying their best to help the others with their wounds. You sat down at the edge of Wilbur's bed and put a plaster on your neck.
"Fundy how you doing?"
You asked not bothering to look.
"He's still not moving. How is everyone else?"
the fox eared man was trembling in exhaustion. You stood and patted your nephew's shoulder.
"Rest now. I will take care of them. Go sleep."
You whispered and hugged Fundy.

Once you were left alone with the three badly injured people you sighed. Splashed Wilbur's wounds with clean water and a few drops of their healing potion. Tubbo groggily woke up, you guided him outside and into a sleeping bag by the fire. Last was your little baby brother, Tommy. He lay like a corpse on the bed. The cut was very very deep and on his lower back. For all you knew ...he wouldn't be able to walk again. You tried your best not to cry while you cleaned him up. Wilbur jerked up, babbling nonsense.
"Please! No! Don't take her! No! My nation!"
he started shaking violently and you ran over to hold him in your arms. You rocked him gently till his babbles became muffled and his breathing slowed.

Finally two days rolled by and everyone but Tommy had woken and were healing. You were lacing Tommy's bandage with the last of their regeneration potion when you heard rumbles by their gates. As L'manberg rushed to meet their visitors you finished up and then flew to the top of the walls to survey from afar. The Dream Team had finally come to 'check up' on them. As the team stopped in front of the entrance to the nation, you landed with a thoud thud by Wilbur's side. The Dream Team climbed off their steeds and stood before the very broken and very hurt L'manberg.

Dream stepped forward and so did Wilbur. The Masked Man handed your brother a scroll. Then he spoke in that alluring voice of his.
"These, are my terms. If you do not comply with these conditions, to the letter, then our nations will officially be at war. This time we have NO MERCY! NO MERCY FOR YOU! If you agree with my terms I want to see white flags! WHITE FLAGS OUTSIDE YOUR NATION... AT DAWN ...OR YOU ARE DEAD!"
Sapnap and George cheered in the background. So it really must come down to surrender or die. Wilbur grimaced but agreed to tell Dream his decision by dawn of the next day.

As L'manberg trailed back to it's walls a hand grabbed you from behind. You swerved and brought your axe down on the hand. You struck something. Dream's mask was the first thing you saw. You had sliced into his glove. Instead of wincing or being angered you heard him chuckle.
"I should have known not to startle a warrior like yourself. Here I want you to have this."
he pressed a small pink-purple vial into your palm. You looked up confused at the gesture. He pulled you closer and whispered,
"Sapnap said he thinks he did quite a number on your little brother."
his breath tickled your ear. You felt your body tense up in anxiety... slightly because of the electricity you felt when the man was near you. With that the three men jumped on their saddles and rode off.

You felt the heat rush to your cheeks. Your shook your head and launched yourself into the air. The wind trickled through your feathers and you breathed the thin air with pleasure. Again you flapped yourself higher. You broke through the clouds and finally when you felt the sun's rays melt on your skin, you hung in the sky for a moment, just a moment, and then let yourself fall. The feeling of your stomach reaching your toes, your mind tumbling with your body. The rush of the adrenaline was a drug to you . Finally you pulled yourself out of the down pouring current and landed safely on the wall. Joyride over, now time to see that scroll.

Y/N entered the van just as Wilbur unfolded the scroll. Tommy still lay on his bed unmoving. You sat on the edge of the bed and listened as did Tubbo and Fundy. Wilbur cleared his throat,
"I,Dream,ruler of the Dream SMP and king of this kingdom ...have granted the nation known as L'manberg, their Independence!"
The whole van lit up with cheers and pats on the back.You could not believe it. They were free. From all the tyranny and fights. From all the tears and blood. Your smile widened at the thought of peace.
You shouted and punched the air.
Then you looked to your older brother,he would obviously be estatic about his own nation given freedom to do as they please. However he looked devastated.
What is it Wilbur?"
You asked but Wilbur only ran a hand through his hair. Everyone quitened down.
"Wilbur! What. Does. It. Say?"
You asked again, the van becoming silent in anxiety. He shakily started to read again.
"...their Independence...only... only granted if their warrior known as U/N (username)...s-swears her allegiance to the SMP and becomes the fourth member of the Dream Team."
What. No. No no no. No.

Your heart shattered. You stared at Will in disbelief and all you saw was his chocolate orbs welling with tears. Your head felt like a ball of messed up strings. You couldn't breathe. Fundy grabbed the paper from his father.
"...It's real. Both Dream and the judges have signed this."
He said. Tubbo sat next to you and hugged you while he cried. Fundy and Wilbur sat looking through the contract for any flaws ,any loop holes. You played with Tubbo's hair while you stared at still Tommy. He was motionless, basically dead. You remembered the vial Dream had given you.  A regeneration potion. For my Tommy.  As you inspected the bottle you knew what you had to do. You slipped the bottle into Tubbo's shirt pocket and whispered
"For Tommy."

Then you removed Tubbo's hands from your torso and stood. Everyone watched you. Then you spoke with all the certainty you could muster.
"I agree to the terms of the contract."

Wooooooooooooow. New chapter. NOT Canon to the Smp but yes for the book. but relax most of what will come up is Canon but not in the right order type of things. You'll understand a lil later. Anyway please vote and comment a ❤️🤍 for our Dirty Crime Child. And as always I will see you ... IN THE NEXT CHAPTER! Phoenix out.🖤

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