Boom Boom Boom Boom

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"AAAHH!" Tommy, Y/N and Tuboo came screaming into the walls of L'manberg. Many mobs came behind them. Wilbur, Eret and Fundy grabbed their weapons and helped the younger members kill the monsters and close the gates.

You saw Wilbur kill the last creeper and collect its powder. He turned to the girl and you turned to him. "what the HELL do you think you're doing? All of you!"
he scolded them but never took his gaze off of his sister.
"We weren't that late! We had it under control."
You replied coldly to your brother.
"You nearly got them killed!"
he shouted. At 19 years old he expected that you would be more responsible.
"Listen here, bud. You worry about your little speeches and growing the nation or whatever. I will worry about keeping them safe. Got that?"

"Go get cleaned up. Eat your dinner and off to bed." Wilbur said angrily. Tommy and Tubbo ran off and You did the same. Wilbur can be annoying. And over protective. And down right stupid. You growled to yourself while you bathed and got ready for your outing.
You didn't need Wilbur telling you what to do. You was your own person. You could handle yourself ... and you were about to show him that.

You went to their communal chests once everyone was asleep and took out the supplies you needed. Some powder. Some vials. Lots of sand. And some shiny dust. You took out your old armor, which you had hidden from the rest of L'manberg. Hello old friend.
Looking out for Eret who was on lookout, you snuck in the shadows and slipped out of L'manberg.

Your plan was down right crazy. Insane. But you were confident that you could pull it off. You used a map you had stolen from your father's, Philza' s, home to track your way to the Dream Smp. You had your wings tucked under a black coat. Best not to be seen by the soldiers. You finally saw lanterns that marked the entrance of the main walls of the SMP. You jumped into a passing cart and snuck in.

The capital city of the SMP was huge. Buildings spouted to the heavens with all different colours and shapes. Farms of hundreds of live stock were present on the outer edges and people bustled the streets, even now at night. Y/N pulled your cloak hood over your face. You saw a billboard with 'Wanted' posters of your brothers and yourself as well as Fundy and Eret. Not to brag but your picture looked gorgeous.

Y/N rounded the corner of an alleyway and took out a lilac vial. You drank it not leaving a single drop. You took your coat off and watched as your hands disappeared from your eyes and your body vanished. 8 minutes.
Bubbles of the potion were the only indication of your presence.

You walked through the streets and finally saw your target. The castle. You lifted up and flew to the very peak of the castle. You balanced there and surveyed the layout of the castle. Four huge pillars and the main one in the middle. 6 minutes. Y/N slid down the walls of the four main pillar towers and started to place your plan into action.

On the last pillar you heard a familiar hiss behind you. You turned AshMaker  ready in hand, but only found a cat. Brown with green eyes. You bent down and scratched the cats ear. The cat twisted around your feet and then slipped away. 3 minutes.

You lastly went to the main pillar and sat on the peak. You then planted your dust down in lines from one pillar to another. Finally you stopped. Now all thats left to do was wait. Y/N landed onto a big balcony, it led into a large room of some sort. You sat on the stone railing, spreading your wings and welcoming the evening breeze. 1 minute.

"Tell George that I'll see to it that his presence will be excused for tomorrow. Also tell him to hurry his ass up."
You heard a voice speak as they entered the room. Just the person you wanted to see. His voice, despite your best efforts, sent a chill up your spine. You stood with your lower back leaning onto the railing and facing the room. The potion wore off and your image came into view. You saw the green of his attire through the window. Your heart beated faster. Your mind felt a little dizzy with excitement.

The Masked Man stopped speaking to whoever it was and entered the room. He flung his crown to one side, clanging onto the desk. He wore a dark green buttoned shirt. You waited till he shut the door. Then you audibly sighed out,
"Thank goodness. I thought they'd never leave."
Dream tensed and turned to see the winged girl outside his window, on his balcony.

He opened his balcony door and stepped out to join you. He hesitated in the doorway.
"Baby bird. I must say I wasn't expecting to see you. Not that it isn't a delight."
he answered.
You saw how his biker-gloved hand was in a fist. He was nervous. Despite his charming demenour, he was nervous. Y/N laughed a little.
"Ahh yes I know you're a very busy man, Dream, but this", you walked up to Dream who towered over you. You grabbed a side of his collar and pulled his hidden face down to yours, "this is important."

Dream tensed under you and took your hand off his collar slowly. You felt a spark of electricity between the touch. Gods he had nearly lost himself when you pulled him down like that. He tilted his head to the girl in front of him.
"What is it my dear?"
he asked in an innocent voice, pulling himself back upright.

You looked at his mask and smiled.
"Well you see, you... did something terrible to my home. And... Well... I came to return the favour."
Dream looked at you still confused. You stepped back and hopped up onto the stone railing so you were slightly taller than the Masked Man. He followed you and stood two feet away.
"What I'm trying to say is"
,You threw an item to Dream and he caught it. He turned it in his hand. A chess piece. The King chess piece. He looked up at you.

"Checkmate Dream."
You pressed a button in your hand and the entire castle rumbled with explosions and fire. Each pillar crumbled from the TNT you had planted. Dream looked back and saw the flames exploding his castle and when he turned to face the little devil, You half saluted him and jumped off the balcony. You spread your wings and glided away. Tick, Tick, Boom.

Yay! Finally felt inspired to write. Please vote my book it really helps me out. Also check out my original book! And I will see you... IN THE NEXT CHAPTER! Phoenix out.🖤

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