03 | hung upon the cheek of night

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She stared in disbelief as the blond haired boy hung from the sill of her window. Her hands met the root of her hair. The boy's blue eyes glistened up at her in the pale moonlight. She pushed open her window, before grabbing his hands and helped pull the struggling boy up.

Her eyes remained widened and her brows were furrowed. She tried to form some words, though nothing came out. She was so confused that she didn't know what to say.

The only words she could even attempt to get out, "What the fuck." She whispered to him in hopes to not attract her brother into the room.

"We got your letter." He whispered back to her, though a louder whisper because he didn't really know how to whisper correctly.

"Oh." She sighed in relief, though she could figure just that as he had previously been dangling outside her bedroom; one that was on the second floor. She didn't have very many words to say as she couldn't think of much. The girl's life had grown significantly more odd each day, as exhilarating events after the other followed her around. Having to continuously processing them each became more of a chore than she had ever imagined.

"We both missed you," He glanced at her while he sat down on her bed beside her.
"Him being your brother doesn't change how we view you. Even though he's a bastard and ruined everything me and my brother tried to start, you aren't like him." He reassured her as his hand gave her a pat on the shoulder. His true hatred for her brother was rooted in his tone, she was smart enough to recognize it. Tommy may not have been the best at speeches, or making anyone feel better; as he had just rubbed in how bad of a person her brother is, she could tell he was trying.

Y/n leaned over to hug him tightly. She inhaled a deep breath and let it go, along with her anxiety. She couldn't see why her brother hated them so much, they have been so nice to her.
"How do I see you both again?" She pulled out of the hug and placed both of here hands on his shoulders.

"Uhm. Well you could just sneak out like you did before right?" He proposed with a raised brow, Tommy was confused why she had to ask as it seemed so simple in his mind.

Though it certainly wasn't going to be simple. She thought about this— when they were caught the first time it felt as if it was never meant to happen. Partly because they didn't intend too, but also because it was an accident. Though since the incident, there have been people outside the house at all times; or that was at least what she had heard.
She knew that if she was more careful that she could make it work, despite the major risk.

She then thought back to the deal she had made with George. With his help she could possibly see then both again.
She knew that George wasn't a huge fan of them either though. He said that he would help allow her to leave the house with either his or her brother permission and assistance, but on the days she could go out with George the chances he would allow her to see them were slim; George had already broken enough of Dreams rules for her, he couldn't risk another.

Her thoughts were interrupted when there was a loud, non-intentional stomping coming up the creaking stairs, followed by, "Y/n! I'm about to head to bed." The voice was Dreams. She looked over at Tommy with the same expression he had on his face— pure terror.
Dreams voice got louder as he approached the door, "May I come in to say goodnight?"

Y/n's chest tightened. She battled all the worry in her head, making her main priority getting him out of her bedroom.
Dream hated him enough and seeing her with him, though if he found him in her bedroom, at night— his mind would do the worst. Dream would probably kill Tommy where he stood, with his bare hands.

"Y-yeah. One second. I-I'm changing I'll be a minute." She swallowed. She stood up sharply and shuffled to the window lightly. She kept her footsteps quiet to spare Tommy's, who she knew was gonna be loud. They only had room for one set of footsteps booming out that room into Dreams ears who remained on the opposing side of the door.

She gestured Tommy down. He climbed out the window and down rather quickly, she had no time to look where he had gone or even if he had made it fully.
"Come in!" She shouted as she quickly made her way back to her bed. Luckily, before Tommy had appeared from the night, she was already wearing a tank top and sweatpants so she didn't have to change into any sleepwear that she claimed to be doing.

Dream walked into her room briskly, bringing a gust of air from the movement of the door followed with some faint dust that resided on the older wooden floors, that creaked much like the stairs. Dream had always seemed to find every creak and manage to step on them, y/n made note of all the creaks in her head and made sure she never stepped on them. Partly so she could eavesdrop on her brother, also because the noise frustrated her.

Dream noticed the widow was wide open, which was odd on a fairly cold fall night. The breeze from the window overpowered the one from the door. The wind thrashed her curtains around along with her comforter.

Dream opened his arms and brought y/n into a hug which she quickly accepted. Once he had let her go he made his way across her room to the window.
"Why's this open?" He questioned as his head turned to her.

"Just, got hot earlier and opened it and I guess I never shut it." She laughed off and her arm met her neck as she scratched it out of embarrassment of a lackluster alibi, that he seemed not to pick up.

He shrugged his shoulders, clicking the window closed before waltzing his way back over to the door, "It happens. Goodnight Y/n." He smiled as he slowly walked out the door awaiting a response before he left.

"Goodnight Dream! See you tomorrow." She nodded back with a smile. She slouched in her bed until she heard the final click of the door handle, to which she immediately jumped out of her bed and made her way to the bay window, curious of where the boy had gone.

Without opening the window she looked down, the blond haired boy hanging on to a large crevasse in the exterior wall of the manor, just like he had on his way in, only lower on the building.
Why would he wait there? She laughed to herself as she looked down at him.

Tommy's face broke a smile, he took one hand off the wall which had immediately ruined his form. He brought the spare arm up to his forehead, slowly.
Looking up at her with the same smile that remained of his face— his left hand hanging on for dear life, when his right hand, up against his forehead with two fingers stuck out.

He saluted her as his left hand dropped his grip, he fell into the darkness of the night.

She could hear noises of crackling twigs and dead leaves, the noise went north of her bedroom, as well as the wall the guy had hung from, he was making his way back home.

She sighed and laid back down on her bed with a smile across her face. She could picture the way he would sneak himself back in, while the other boy had waited for him, running up to Tubbo and going on about everything that had just occurred, how they were almost caught once more, and that they would both see their friend soon enough.

She looked up at her ceiling and brought her right arm up to her forehead, with her two finger stuck out just like Tommy.

She saluted back.

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