19 | an old foe, and a silly camera

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An early morning— 6:24 to be exact— when Dream woke up this morning. A light dusting of sunlight peaking in between the curtains.
He enjoyed starting his mornings this early, an area that him and his sister were different.
Stretching, as his feet hit the cold, unforgiving hardwood floors; pushing through as he makes his way downstairs.

He had a busy day already, having plans with George and Sapnap to take up the morning, dinner plans with y/n in the early night.
This was a usual schedule for him though, it was less frequent that he had any free time for that matter. He wished he was able to spend more time with his sister, he enjoyed all the chances he got.

Dream throughly blamed himself for everything that happened between her and Tommy. He knew that if he had done things differently, if he had spent more time with her, the two would've never met; things could've been so much easier, they wouldn't fight as much as they did now. He practically raised her, making it simple to blame himself for any and all behavior issues and imperfections she had. Though, that didn't take away the spikes of anger he had when any of these things happened— why he reacted the way he did when he found her in that field.

He knew he had been in the wrong often, that he should let her make her own decisions; knowing how strong he raised her to be.
Only he was so stubborn and selfish. He was worried she would get hurt, sure, though he was far more worried that she would leave him.
She was truly the only family he had, Sapnap and George were like family, but she meant far more to him.
If anything happened to her, he was sure he would go insane.

Which is why he kept her away, and he did believe it was smart; that he was doing the right thing. Maybe he was, and she was the stubborn one. That's what he told himself, to allow him to sleep at night.

As he sipped his black coffee, he noticed as blue shade hidden behind the large plant pot, beside the front door. He couldn't take his eyes off the color when they caught it. Placing his mug onto the counter as he walks towards it. Upon closer inspection, it was an envelope.

Seeing a royal blue envelope once again gave him deja vu from the war. Of course he knew exactly who this was from— who else had royal blue envelopes other than the one and only— Wilbur Soot.

'Hear me out, trust me.'
Dream's eyebrows furrow, "What the hell does he want?" He shakes his head. Tearing through the paper.

               I have information you will find valuable. We were once foes, who now continue to have a strained relationship, but we will need to work together on this one. Just trust me, for once. Please meet me at the gates of L'manberg at 2:00 PM tomorrow (11/18)

                                                      —Wilbur Soot
                                     President of L'manberg'

Dream couldn't help but roll his eyes at the, 'president of L'manberg' part. He knew it was a formal greeting that became a habit, much how signing letter with a smile was his signature; though the man found Wilbur's dorky.
He liked to pick at little things the man did anyways, it was a pastime.

He sighed, he would likely be free at that time. This was obviously important. He didn't like Wilbur, he frankly found him arrogant and naïve; but he was willing to take a change on this. Something in his gut told him to go. So he would, leaving a note on the table before he head out to go see his two friends this morning.

'Going to be out with Sap and George today, I'm sorry. Still up for dinner, see you then!
- Dream :)'

The trio was together again, in the treehouse, during the daylight; all three feeling exhilarated at the new risks they had been taking. Especially he girl, she hadn't felt this good in a long time— when she was doing something she shouldn't have been. The weirdest sensation, though she loved every second.

It wasn't weird between the three anymore, more free than anything. Tubbo was happy for the two, he knew that this was meant to be, that they were meant to be; the chemistry was always there. It was seemingly destined in all the wrong ways, only their relationship continued to persevere, showing the strength the two really had; showing how true the love must've been.

Even between Tubbo and y/n, the sweetest friendship anyone around this land had ever seen; even with how wrong it was, it didn't matter. If only these people learned, choose people, not sides.

For now, the trio would have to cherish every moment they have in the shadows of reality. Hidden behind it it all. Spending every second they could all together.
"So! Earlier I was helping out Niki at her bakery, and on the counter she had this camera," Tubbo speaks up, excitedly. Pulling a blush pink polaroid camera out of his backpack. "She let me borrow in exchange for helping her, I figured we could test it out!"

"Ooh, that sounds fun!" The girl cheers. Knowing that she couldn't have a copy of any photos herself, but it was likely they could have them up here.

Tubbo smiles, "Okay, I'll get one of you two first!" Jumping in front of Tommy and y/n. Tilting their heads inward to touch each other as they pose, laughing at faces the brunet makes whole focusing. Suddenly, a click goes off, and a blank photo begins to print out of the top. The three get excited, even Tommy. Taking multiple of every person, wasting all the film with no care. They would finally have a physical memory of this friendship, to keep forever; meaning a lot to all of them.

By the end of it all, the girl had left just after all the photos came clear. They had taken at least four photos of all of them together, two of y/n and Tubbo, one of y/n and Tommy.
While taking multiple of the girl alone, for each to keep pressed in books they didn't read.

Black and white photos weren't much to others, only now they meant everything to these three teenagers.

a/n: hey! you! i'm self promoting that after this book finishes, my new story which is a dream x reader will be out! and you should read it if you want to. it had a fun twist on plot that i think is cool, but i'm pretty bias !
i had plans for a tommy exile story and a fiancé trio story, but unfortunately there isn't enough chapters written to be able to release it when this is over but yeah. thank you all for reading and giving it so much support, as i'm writing this there are 4k reads and that's amazing so thank you <33
i'm sorry for this ik a/n's are annoying sometimes lmao but thanks if you read it!

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