14 | the fume of sighs

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Dwelling in her room, until she heard a loud announcement from downstairs. She was confused, it wasn't a day that they would receive guests; not at this time at least.
"Y/n! Come down, George is here!" Her brother's raspy morning voice shouted up the stairway.

She did as she was told though, stumbling her way to her bedroom door, fumbling around with the doorknob, still groggy.
Rubbing her eyes, revealing two men sitting in the couch; Dream and George. Her brother's posture was as arrogant looking as it always had been, only his friend looked uncomfortable. He had been sitting it in a weird position, with his hands behind his back.
"Good morning." Her brother stated, his voice sounding as hoarse, showing he hadn't woken up long before her.

She nods in reply, sitting down on the other sofa, opposite from the one the two men were placed. Laying horizontally, pushing her head against the throw pillow, while pulling the extra blanket that laid across the back of the couch, messily onto her body.
The two guys just watched her, a small laugh escaping from Dream's lips. One of George's eyebrows raise, in confusion or humor, maybe a mix of the two.

"What did you even want?" She groans, obviously upset that they had woken her up at such an early time, just to sit and laugh.

Dream shakes his head, while getting up, "I have plans with Sapnap, it will probably take awhile. So, George so graciously offered to take you to a café this morning— hang out with you today, so you don't have to be alone."

The girl's eyebrows furrow, as her eyes trained onto George's. His face didn't change for the entire conversation.
"Yeah, I guess." She shrugs, sitting up.

"Okay, well you probably hurry and get ready," Her older brother huffs, while gathering things together that he will need for his day.
"I'll probably be gone by the time you get back down, so bye!" He laughs softly, as George shuffled around with his arms.

She waves on her way up the stairs, "Bye."
Closing the door behind her, she rolls her eyes. She knew that something was about to happen with George, it wasn't likely he honestly wanted to hang out with her. Preparing herself for the conversation she was going to have to sit through, thinking the worst—

What if he's given up on the secret.

He's decided he's gonna tell Dream, hasn't he.

Trying to shake away the negative, not wanting to stress herself out over something that wasn't reality yet; that was just hard for her.
She tried to distract herself using clothing. She looked deeply in her wardrobe for something that could fit the event. Dream was a wealthy man, he may not have taken care of her the best way he could, he did try to spoil her; explaining why she had myriad of clothes.

Settling on a pair of soft, almost fuzzy plaid pants; the base shade being a lighter brown color, with navy blue, almost black, and red plaid stripes— more so gridded due to the lack of multiple lines. A cream shade turtleneck sweater for her top. As for her shoes, they were tan leather boots, with a small heel. Topping it all off with some jewelry, until she was satisfied with her outfit.

Meeting eyes with George again as she returns down the stairs. "Ready?" He asks, to which she nods. He holds the door as she walks in front of him.

Treading down the oak path, the two were silent. She was confused as why he wasn't talking, but didn't want to speak up about such.
His hands were now away from his back, which she didn't depict too much.

Though, two sets of eyes were on the George and Y/n, ones that they hadn't realized.
Brown and blue, to be exact; Tommy and Tubbo's. Watching from the sidelines, because the blond was anxious. His friend he hadn't seen in days had just returned and this was all he could speak about; the brunet didn't mind all the much though, when they spoke about the girl was when the got along the best.

She looks— beautiful.
Tommy thought to himself, not looking too much into his thoughts though. That was were him and the girl were very different.
Though why would he? Friends could compliment each other like that, right?
Maybe now he was looking into his thoughts, he hated it, why was he like this?
He had thought about her, using those same words before— why didn't they have such a different meaning in his mind now? Why did they have a different taste in his mouth? Or were they always like that?

Tommy didn't even mean to stumble across Y/n and George, it was all unintentional; now he's watching her enter Niki's bakery. He had to leave, because now he was dealing with a thought he hadn't really let taken account for before. Gripping Tubbo's sleeve tightly in his fist, gently pulling him along the path, away from her. Both pairs of eyes receding once again in the background. Leaving the girl and her brothers friend, sitting in the pink haired woman's bakery. A bell rings as the two enter the threshold.

The sweet woman behind the counter smiles, "Good Morning! Can I get you two anything?" A gentle tone, which y/n immediately took a liking too. The pink haired woman wasn't shouty like most people she's encountered, it was a nice change.

George speaks up for the second time this morning, "Um, I think we will have a couple croissants. Maybe some tea as well? Thank You." The woman nods, as she heads to the kitchen.

Y/n had already been slumped down in a chair, as the brunet goes to sit across from her.
"I know you didn't offer this for nothing, what did you want?" She groans, bouncing her leg under the table to soothe herself from all the thoughts in her head.

The man across from her sighs, fumbling around to pulling a envelope out from his back pocket. Tossing the letter across to small table to her. Her body perks up as she slides the letter into her hands, before breaking the seal.
Her eyes dance across the page, a smile tugging at her lips the farther she reads in the letter. Scanning for inflections in every line to help herself grasp any extra information she could manage. She knew the letter had been written by Tommy before she reached the bottom, mostly by his rubbish handwriting.

"I thought you said you weren't helping." She teased, with a smile on her face.
His face didn't have an expression, until he registered that she was smiling about this letter. He thought it had been a letter informing her not to meet up with the boy again.

"I-I wasn't helping?" His eyebrows furrow as he reaches for the letter, roughy pulling it out of her hands, causing the corner to tear, she winces at the action. "Shit!" He whisper yells, dropping the letter before bringing his hands to his face, tugging at his skin.

"What?" The girl questions, confused as to why he had been so upset. She knew he didn't want to help, though for someone who had just done so, this was odd behavior. Her eyebrows furrow, stumbling out a small laugh in attempt to revive the dead air.

"The kid told me it was a letter to tell you to stop showing up, leaving out that it would be temporary!" Squeezing his eyes shut as he roughly rubs his hand against his forehead.

She couldn't help but let out a loose laugh, his distress funny to her; because Tommy of all people had outplayed him— maybe George wasn't so smart after all, because the Tommy certainly wasn't an einstein.
"You really said you weren't going to help, before immediately helping. Spineless, I swear!" She teased him more.

He couldn't help laugh at his mistake as he looks back onto the situation, what Tommy had told him this morning. Maybe he was stupid, or maybe his subconscious honestly wanted to help the two teenagers who were desperate for such.

He would never know, or maybe he would have to wait and see.

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