06 | parting is such a sweet sorrow

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Each day passed with flashes.
She would run around with her brother in the forest during the day, and meet the boys at night.

Her life had newfound thrill, it was amazing.
Each day a new adventure, and each night a new intoxicating delight.
She had become a rebellious girl.

She had grown closer with the boys each night she saw them. They all understood each other. Those two boys were the only people who took a chance on her; she's grateful for that.

Each night they would risk more, she would stay out longer, or once they had walked around; the two boys giving her a tour of everything they could without catching attention of others.
Every night was different, even if it remained in the field, they continued to make it special every time.

This has gone on for awhile, weeks and weeks and nobody had a clue.
Not Wilbur, not Dream. They had done a good job covering tracks.

Y/n and Dreams relationship hadn't been this good before the start of the war. She would freely spend time with him when she could, like she did years ago, before all hell broke loose around them.

Dream enjoyed this, he had missed her company. As tough as he came through to his enemies, Dream wasn't a mean guy, not to y/n not to George, not to Sapnap— though they are the only people he cares about.
He had always been a loving brother to y/n all her life, he did everything he could to protect her the way their parents couldn't.

Dream did see a lot of himself in her.
Only she shared the good quality's that he hid behind his wall— for nobody to see.
Some of his negative traits lurked inside of her as well, she just didn't let the world see the bad ones as often as he did.
The girl had always been envious of most things, she hated the power it had.

Y/n was control freak like her brother, as well. Though she didn't admire power over others like he did, she only craved the control over herself.

Manipulation was also a tactic she always had, and she was damn good at too. Though she didn't use her skills as much as he did.

She knew deep down that she was like him, that scared her. She had loved her brother, and believed the best about him, always.
Though she had suppressed feelings, she knew of the things he did. She didn't want to be like that. The thought kept her back straight.

Tommy was laying in his bed, thinking about the h/c haired girl— how he spent most of his days lately. She mesmerized him in the best way. She had all the qualities he lacked, and she lacked all the qualities he had.

Together the two were a great combination.
Like a key and a lock those two are.
It's almost as if they were destined to meet, though they lived in a world where it was forbidden.

Tommy had grown close to this girl quickly, which sat oddly with him because he doesn't open up to most people; not as easily as that anyway. The boys brain couldn't comprehend how she shared the same DNA as Dream.
He saw them as very different people. Tommy couldn't see any similarities between the two.

Maybe he hadn't known her well enough—
'Surely not.' He thought. She was too perfect to have any of Dream's qualities.

The girl had become the light in his life, arriving at the perfect time. She is the break to all the cruel things in his world.
Tommy believed her to be his 'lucky charm' as when she arrived, his life had turned on the right track once again.
Though he would never admit it to her.

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