08 | two of the fairest stars

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The two siblings had made it back home, after dark. The pair spent their whole day together like the old days. The girl had been struck with the purest form of nostalgia, almost making her feel guilty for what she would do later the same night. She had even thought about not attending, though tonight it would be only her Tommy; she couldn't leave him all alone.

So she did as she would most nights, waiting for her brother to go to bed.
Like usual, she waited hours under her covers. Reading and twiddling her finger had gotten boring after awhile, until she heard his obnoxious footsteps making their way up the hardwood stairs.

He has knocked on her door, wishing her a goodnight. To which she got up from her spot, to give her brother a hug before returning the statement.

She listened attentively has his footsteps slowly got quieter as he reached his bedroom that sat at the end of the hallway; before it was fully silence with a click.
Dream had always been the type to fall asleep fast wherever he was, never having trouble. Though she waited for half an hour before she made movement.

It has felt like centuries until she walked out the door, though it was all worth it when she felt the fresh air in her lungs once more.
Morning air was sweet, though dusk air was sweeter. Treading the same journey she had for weeks before her ankles met the brush of the grass.

Under the willow tree was a beam of yellow light, that lit up the field in a three foot radius. As the boy heard her footsteps, his head perked up with a smile. Tommy pats on the ground beside him, as she rushes to his side.
"Hey! So I actually have plans so tonight," The blond boy begins, the girls face rises higher than it started. "I though it could be fun if we went to the lake." He cheered.

Y/n smiled, "It would!" She agreed. Tommy reached out his hand, she quickly takes it.
Hand in hand, the pair runs out the field they had only recently made it to. Before the knew it they had reached the rickety, wooden docks.

As they approach, continuing to run, while kicking the shoes off their feet, along with the cloaks that sat on their shoulders.
Now interlocking their hands once again while being two feet from the end of the dock; before running off the end, their bodies meeting the flat texture of the lake.

The loud noise echos into the night sky, with only ripples to show where there body's made a harsh impact on the still lake.
Until their heads break the contact once more, wiping their eyes, pushing wisps hair out of their faces, before immediately making eye contact once again. Laughter reflecting against the water that continued to react at every small movement.

With the chilling water up against her body as if was tightly hugging her, the pair swims their way to the dock after the sort lived thrill. Each pulling their own weight up onto the docks.
Backs against the wood, looking up into the night. Their clothes dripping, creating a darker shade of brown color on the oak wood.

The stars above them shined bright, more than usual it seemed; as if all of them had been rooting for the teenagers when every other being in this universe was against them.
For the duo, stars were always promising. A constant that were always there, in the same place, at the same time every night. Something that the both of them were neglected of for awhile; before they met each other. Stars were something they initially bonded over the first few times they hung out.

Tommy many not have known much about them, though they had always brought him comfort in a way he couldn't understand.
As for the girl, she was robbed of the slight of these stars for long; so instead of seeing them in person, she always read about them in her books. Doing all the research she possibly could as she couldn't see them in first person, only the sight outside her window; which never did them any justice.

"Hey, what's that one called again?" The boy beside her questioned, with a smile and a pointed finger. As she had known all about them she tried to teach Tubbo and Tommy all she knew.

The stars he was pointing at formed a constellation. The one in question was formed in the shape of a man, vaguely that is in the stance of a warrior. Tommy liked this one, he just would never remember the official name.

She leans her head closer Tommy, into the crook of his neck to get a better view from the barrel of his finger.
"Ah, the warrior, that would be— Orion. " She stated before returning her head to its original position.

Tommy had noticed her movements, after having had felt comfort in her head at the crook of his neck. The brush of her hair against his skin, with slight pressure felt comforting to him. With the crave of the feeling, he had asked her once more what another constellation he had seen was, pointing to any random one he could find.

Though the one he had asked about came off silly to y/n, as she had talked about this star many times. This one was her favorite, Tommy had claimed it as his second favorite too; next to the warrior, telling her it reflected off of him.

Despite this, Tommy had got what he wanted as she moved her head once more.
It was a very simple constellation, it looked like am upside down arrow.
"That's Aquila, Tommy. I thought you knew that one." She laughed it off, as did Tommy, only his face had reached a blushed color.

Though this time she hadn't moved. Tommy enjoyed the pressure of her head as he hasn't felt any touch as sweet as hers, or form of touch that hadn't been drilled with ill intent.
They continued to talk about the sky's white freckles, though their conversation began to shift; the girl began to open up to him about how the land was before she had come around, or before she had known he was around.

"It used to be a lot different around here you know. A place of safety and tranquility. Nobody really bothered each other, where people could roam around without a care. I miss those days a lot." Y/n stated, her smile began to show a frown.

Tommy felt guilty at this, knowing his brother was the cause of all the mayhem around.
"Well, isn't that bad is it?" His question was genuine, though it may have seemed insincere.

"When you compare it to everything that it used to be, yeah, I would say it's that bad. There's just so much violence and dreary faces now," She sighed once more before continuing.
"but I guess if it didn't happened this way, I would've never met you and Tubbo." Her head turned to him and smiled, which he returned with ease.

As much as she may have loved how it used to be, she had a lot more fun than she used to.
With that, both teens could end their night in bliss, with an awkward feeling in their stomachs that they had never felt before.
Was it—

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