10 | night's cloak

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A gush a wind thrashes her curtains around, the noise of the fabric against her walls were enough to wake her up for the second time this day. The time read, 5:34 PM, It was around dinner time now, and she could hear her brother fumbling around with pots and pans downstairs, with the extra ambiance of men's murmurs.

She rubs her eyes as she stumbles her way to the first floor. The voices connected with the faces as she saw two familiar men sitting at the island counter on a pair of barstools, though she didn't expect it to be anyone else.
The conversation the men were having had no interest to her, so she tuned them out like she always did; awaiting her dinner to be passed to her. Zoning her vision to whatever fazed into it.

What she hated the most about being awake was having to deal with all the emotions she felt all the time, it drained her more than her lack of sleep. Sometimes her past simple life, where she sat in her dull room twiddling her fingers, awaiting her brothers return was so temping; of course she would never change the life she had now though. She loved the thrill, only sometimes the anxiousness and unknown feelings made her mentally nauseous.

Time always caught up quicker than she imagined, as did sleep; both something she could never get used to.
Though all the thoughts were loudly interrupted by the sound of her plate being pushed towards her scraping against the granite counters. The sound of her brothers voice following after.
"What have you been doing all day, I haven't seen you once?" He was skeptical, thinking the worst as he always did. She thought it was funny he was skeptical when she wasn't doing anything, though when she did he had no clue.

"Sleeping." She sighed, wanting to laugh though she knew he was analyzing every word that came out of her mouth. He would think something worse happened if she let herself laugh, which would force him to be up her ass all night.

"Hm, that would've been at least eighteen hours of sleep, what is wrong with you?" He laughed, "What could've possibly made you that tired?" Only these last words he were more serious than the previous sentence had been.

She thought quickly to form a lie, though she didn't need to, there was enough true material that she could use, though some she could fabricate; just a tad.

"Well, we had spent all day outside in the sun with you. I have also feeling a lot of insomnia, so when I finally slept, I really slept." She shrugs, drawing attention to her drowsiness, as if she was manipulating the attention over to her issue rather than the possibly of her having had done something behind his back.

Dream was really good at the act of manipulation, though he was weak to having it done to himself; at least when she did so, he could believe anything that came out of her mouth, cause she would never lie to him.

"Oh, well we should probably do something about that." He laughed off a little to lighten the mood, which she followed after, her's more faint.

Though there were a set of eyes on her, ones that didn't allow a playful ease in the air, because he could see through her; George's eyes. She could feel them piercing her skin fiercely, looking up in his direction.
Making eye contact, each pair burned into the other, she was able to outplay her brother, though she couldn't with George, who had a leg up on this stance anyways.

It was George's turn, only a matter of time until he makes his play; making or breaking this girl's entire life in a span of two seconds.
She kept her cheekbones tense, not letting any emotion shine through fragile skin, biting her tongue intensely to keep this false confidence.
The brunet's face had copied hers, she couldn't read his expression to plan accordingly, she was left to her reflexes.

Now, the man knew he could easily end this show right now with a series of words. Though he also knew the girl he stared at could ruin his greatest friendship with the same words.
So he went with a compromise.

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