07 | blissful nostalgia

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She didn't sleep often anymore.
She was usually out during the day, and late into the night.

The girl only slept once she got home during late night, early mornings. If she was lucky she could sleep during the day.
That didn't happen too often either.

She tried to sleep in this morning, though the birds outside her window said otherwise.
With a groan she slid out from under her covers, passing the flower crown Tubbo had made her only hours ago, sitting brightly on her bookshelf. Weary eyes, as she remembered he would now be on his way to east; days remaining until she could see his bright smile again.

Stumbling down the stairs, while Dream and Sapnap talked about something that didn't seem important for her to hear.
"Good morning." Dream greets her, sliding a plate of breakfast her way before returning to his conversation. The girl sits down next to Sapnap, continuing to tune out the men.

After taking a few bites, "You understand, right y/n?" Dream asks the girl with a tilted head.

She hadn't been paying attention.
"Uh. Yeah, sure?" She muttered with a questioning tone that was noticeable, though Dream would take what he could get.

"Great. I knew you would, It's for all of our better interest anyways. I'm just glad your over that dumb phase." Dream and Sapnap laugh, are they making fun of her? The girl was confused, her thoughts entangled with each other.
What did I agree too?
Is he talking about— Tommy?

The girl eyebrows furrow.
While her brother sighed, "Well, we should get going soon. Get ready."

She didn't want to ask any questions, in her mind it was better off she didn't know— it would save a few hours for a calm mind.
She took a few quick bites, before dancing her way to her sun filled room, the gleam shining brightly onto the crown.

The outfit she chose was simple, though fitting. It didn't take her long to get ready, usually.
When she had made her way back down the stairs, Dream was dressed in black pants, a hunter green cloak, with his signature mask. An everyday outfit for him.

Sapnap was already gone—
"Just us?" The girl questioned with a tilted head, she wouldn't mind if it was, though it didn't happen often so it surprised her.

"If that's alright with you." The girl could see the corner of her brother's mouth, an upturned crease forming.

"Sounds lovely." The girl nodded, stepping towards the door. Dream took his bow and slung it across his body, with arrows to his side. He didn't see it, though his younger sister had rolled her eyes. The man was always loaded with weapons and such, y/n didn't like this. Dreams claim was that, 'the world is dangerous.' and, 'I'm just trying to protect you.'

It always bothered her; like they were never, and would never be at peace. Despite the wars being over, he still was fully armed at all times.
Y/n had wished everyday that they could find the life they once had. It was so much more peaceful, no wars, no weapons, no armor, no lies— just the two siblings in a field.

For a majority of the girl's life it had only been her and Dream. He was the only life she knew.
The pair only had each other, they were content with that. He had created such a place, where they had lived, to protect the girl.
A time where Dream was sweet, helpful; a man who wanted peace, with his sister by his side.

Now, to the girl, he was the peaceful man he had always been to her— usually. Though to all the others, he was a monster.
Dream didn't care though, his mind had one setting, one motive. Nothing else mattered.

The two approached a large clearing. One that each of the two had seen many times.
It wasn't the one she saw every night though; it was the one she had seen a year ago. The one that felt like a relic of a memory in her mind.
She is home.

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