epilogue: till death bring them together

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It had been over a year since her passing, a lot had changed for Tommy; for everyone around her actually.

Immediately after her death, her brother fled far away, he didn't return for a long time. Embarrassed and upset with himself for what he had done, before losing all sense of sanity. When he finally did return, he had it out for the boy. Targeting him to make his life hell, in every way possible; as if he was trying to avenge his sister. Taunting him with her death, after manipulating him into being a friend of his because 'that's what she would've wanted'. It wasn't long after that he was jailed, sentenced for life in a immensely secured prison.

Since he hadn't been around, Tommy and George planned her funeral together. George felt so badly about her passing, he missed her dearly. Wishing it didn't have to turn out the way it did, though everyone that knew her wished that.

Tommy thought back to the night with Tubbo and y/n in the field, when he had made her the flower crown. That same night, the brunet boy made Tommy a bracelet out of the same colors. She was buried in that crown; now the two would be matching forever.
He had also placed the photo of them that Tubbo took on the polaroid camera a few nights before her death— the only one he had of them two together— because he knew how much she wanted to have that photo in her possession when she was alive. Though he kept the one of just her to himself, in his pockets at all times.

Every day he lived without her was hard on him. Many days he daydreamed about the clouds; like he said he wouldn't for years. He never felt like he had to daydream his entire life, because he never felt the need to escape; because he always did with her. Since she passed, he spent half his time inside his own mind, creating scenarios in which he wasn't alone anymore— but with her.

His mind wandering about how it would be like up there, to see her again. It was likely he would've found out if it hadn't been her voice lingering in his head, 'You're doing so well! Keep going, You've got this! I believe in you!' every time he thought about it. Echoing in his mind that it wasn't his time to meet the clouds just yet. She was the very reason he wanted to die, but the same reason he wanted so badly to live.

So he continued out his days, wishing that she would come home to him. Everyday at the same time, when the moon had just revealed itself, when the one star that always stood out more than others showed, he would run to the willow tree; bearing her favorite kind of flowers. Where, under it, the same place he had realized he loved her, laid a pristine gravestone. Always covered in freshly picked alliums. There he would sit for hours, talking to the stone that wore the black cloak she always used to— awaiting the arrival of an angel, the one who was his love. It was a frequent occurrence that he would fall asleep, with his head laid on the grass beside her grave. When George would pass by to greet her weekly, spotting the tired blond asleep made him feel so guilty. Knowing he could've done something to help them; but he didn't.

Tubbo visited her a lot as well. He had another friend that he brought by often. A tall fellow, Ranboo. Now he had never met the girl, but he always heard stories about her from the two boys; he was sure he would've loved her if he had ever met her. They shared a lot of qualities, even the love of the same flower! They would've made great friends.
He wanted to meet her as badly as these two wanted to meet her again.

Though, now it was that time of night. Tommy was at the field, all alone with the girl's grave. Stargazing beside what should've been her. She always loved the stars, he found it funny that they shined a lot brighter now that she joined them. One in particular shined the brightest out of them all, he could always spot it out of the sea of every single star— he was sure that star was her.

"Hey, y/n. Missing you a lot today!" He laughs softly, almost coping the one she always made, he had heard it in his head so many times it made it easy to replicate. "Tubbo wanted me to tell you that he misses you as well, he wanted to visit you today, but he's busy with his things. I figured you'd understand, you always understood." He fiddles with his pockets, sliding out a black and white photo of her gorgeous face. Crinkled slightly from constantly being held in a pair of jeans. A tear sliding down his pale cheek, as he sniffles. Knowing she would've wanted him to stay positive like he usually was, but he couldn't manage it anymore. It was almost as if he was faking his whole life now, which she would've hated more than him being negative.

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