18 | till it be morrow

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His head hit the stiff pillow that laid on his cot, "What's the matter with you, boss man." Tubbo questions, until he gets a closer look and sees a smile; a bright one in fact, that happily replaced the usual resting frown. "Where did you go this morning!" He laughs, crouching beside his friends bed, playfully punching his arm.

"Tubbo, I don't know how it took me so long to realize that she had been the one all along." He sigh, breaking eye contact with the ceiling. "I told her all that, and now the world feels so much more balanced." A smile bearing teeth took his face by storm, which easily converted Tubbo's.

"So, you're dating?" The brunet tilts his head.

"I suppose so."

The brunet boy shifting quickly in his spot next to Tommy's cot.
"I CALLED IT!" Tubbo rolls over onto the floor, laughing. Smacking the ground below him. "I KNEW THIS DAY WAS GOING TO COME!"

Tommy sits up abruptly, "WHAT ARE YOU TAKING ABOUT!" He shouts, booming noise across the treehouse walls. A faint pink shade forming on his face, burning into his skin. Easily getting embarrassing at this, because if he himself hadn't seen it, how had others so clearly.

"I COULD TELL THERE WAS SOMETHING BETWEEN YOU TWO, I FUCKING KNEW IT." The brunet cheers, bouncing around; shaking the room, causing the trees around them to shake. Leaves and branches throwing themselves to the dirt below them.

As twigs brake by footsteps below them, "Oi! You two! Shut up and get down here, we have a busy day ahead." A man's rough voice projects up into the window cutouts that held no glass. Tommy's eyes widen; if they had been so loud, surely he had now heard what they had been speaking about. Fuck. They hadn't mentioned a name though— only how many girl's had even been around; in his age group.

Now Tubbo's eyes practically mimicked the blond's; just as worried. "Yes, Wilbur!" He tugs on his friend's sleeve, pulling him towards the door to follow the orders in hopes to bring down the severity of the situation if they were about to get punished.

Both of them bitting down on the inside of their mouths as they traveled to Wilbur. Not hard enough to draw blood, though to create a hefty divot on the walls on their mouths. Only, it wasn't as scary as they assumed it would be; in fact, Wilbur's face was neutral. A weekly government meeting was about to take place, the two had just forgotten about it. Tommy's brother hadn't seemed upset at all, even his voice was more peaceful than usual. Maybe this was a sign that y/n and Tommy would be safe; that it was in the stars for them.

Night's awake was on the horizon. The moon peaking over the mountains, as stars slowly became more visible as half hours passed along. It was past sunset now, she laid on one of the sofa's flipping through her book; one she read a few times— Romeo and Juliet— to pass the time. Her brother called it a day only a few hours after the two had dinner as he was having a busy week, leaving her awhile with some downtime. Time where she didn't have to pretend to be less happy than she was, as to not give anything away. It seemed as if things were changing, all subtle, though different nonetheless; in a good way. She could smile profusely with no repercussion. 

'A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life; whole misadventures piteous overthrows'

As footsteps near her front door, unheard.

'Do with their death bury their parents strife. The fearful passage of their death-marked love, and the continuance of their parents rage.'

Stooping down the to the mail slot, unseen.

'Which, but their children's end, naught could remove, is now the two hours traffic of our stage; The which, if you with patient eats attend, what shall miss our toil shall strive to mend'

A letter shooting through the golden slot in the center of their door, glistening in the air until inevitably hitting the floor with a sweep. The clinking of the brass jolts her vision towards the door. Dashing to the closed curtains, sliding one open to see who left such letter; only the darkness had prevailed like it promised everyday. Blackness taking over the shadow of whoever left the letter. Unknowing, she steps towards the envelope, wrapping her fingers around the paper to get a clue.

A royal blue envelope, reading on the front 'Hear me out, trust me.' In gorgeous cursive penmanship. A golden sticker seal, one that mimicked wax ones; holding the answers that could've been useful— if the ticking of the clocks hadn't focused her vision elsewhere— noticing it was twelve in the morning; she was going to be late. Sliding the oddly colored envelope behind the large plant pot beside the door, before dashing outside.

Thinking she would have time once she gets back to double check the letter before she heads to sleep.
Until the time came; stumbling through the door at 3:42 AM, barely awake enough to bring her and the book she left on the couch upstairs. She had too much fun that the letter hadn't even slipped her mind the whole night.
Crashing on her bed, asleep by 3:48.

She wasn't worried anyways, or she would've made sure that she read over it before she left.
With the state of her life at the moment, she didn't have a care in the world.
It was all going her way; hoping it would stay that way. Believing it could.

If only the world loved her like she loved it.

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