46. Comfort

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requested by mary_nicole1
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3rd person's POV

bf/n and y/n were chillin in their room, having a peaceful time together until y/n's parents started shouting.

It seems that they are fighting for the tenth time this week.

y/n looked at her boyfriend with apologetic look. She felt embarrassed.

She taught that they have calmed down yesterday so she allowed herself to invite her boyfriend to come over for the night.

"I'm sorry about that."

bf/n gave her a smile, "don't worry about that. Come here."

He don't really mind. He understood her situation.

He opened his arms, asking her for a cuddle. She went up to him and hugged his torso real tight.

He knew that she needed comfort.

y/n wanted to cry because of her family problems. She always experience the triggering shouts and noises coming from her parents.

She never had any peace until bf/n.

bf/n pecked her forehead, "don't think about them, focus your attention on me."

He reached for his phone and headset. He placed one headset bud on y/n ear and the other on his.

He played a music and set the volume to maximum, trying to suppress the noises.

"It's fine, let it all out," when those words escaped past his lips, he felt y/n shake from crying.

The loud voices downstairs never went down.

y/n can't seem to put her focus to him or the music. She kept on eavesdropping from her parents talk unconsciously.

bf/n puts his hands to y/n's ears, covering it to prevent her from hearing her parents, and also to avert her attention to him.

y/n stared at her boyfriend and mouthed, "thank you".

He placed a kiss on her forehead and pulled her closer to him.

Throughout the night, he held y/n, giving her warmth and comfort.

He moved his arms to her waist and whispered sweet nothings closely to her ear.

y/n enjoyed the moment as the voices from down stairs slowly went down.

She's glad that she have a boyfriend like him.

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