12. Prank

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There will be a lot of "fuck" words, you might cringe and I'm sorry
Might rewrite the story soon😙✌

1st person's POV


His constant playing of video games is so frustrating. I would wake up and sleep with him playing those games.

It's been like this for months now and the frustration I'm keeping bursts.

It's afternoon and I told him to eat his lunch but he would refuse, too focused on his game. And stubborn me continued to insist, pushing the food to him and he grew impatient so he hit the food causing it to spill all over the floor and told me to fuck off because he's busy and I got angry and talked back and burst my heart out.

"Fine then, I'll marry it. You ducking annoying," he said before leaving, grabbing his keys and shut the door behind.

Of course, it breaks my heart. Pushing me off like that makes me feel like I was nothing.

Sighing, I crouched, cleaning the Italian spaghetti I made. It was still hot, freshly cooked. It pains me that he would just throw my food like that.

A tear escaped my eyes and I wiped it angrily.

Few minutes passed and I'm now scrolling through my YouTube and I've seen a boyfriend prank on my recommendation. Then an idea popped in my head.

I smirked.

(* ̄︶ ̄*)(* ̄︶ ̄*)

I found fake blood from our Halloween box and applied it on my forehead as if I've hit my head.

I made the house messy so it seems like there was someone who robbed or invaded it.

After 15 minutes of making sure everything's looked fucked up. I called my boyfriend to make sure what time he'll be home but his phone ended up ringing near his monitor.

Sighing, I decide to just sit on the spot filled with fake blood and wait for him to come.

An hour passed by and I heard the shuffling of the keys, knowing me that it's him. I laid down and closed my eyes, playing dead.

Let's see how this goes.

"Baby?" His voice was rough, sounded that he cried. I pouted but stopped myself.

"Baby-" I heard him tensed and cursed under his breath. "Fuck, fuck, fuck."

Keeping my eyes closed, I felt his arms going to my neck and legs, lifting me up to him.

"Fuck," he cursed again. Then his fingers pressed behind my ear, feeling my pulse. "You still have a pulse."

I wanted to laugh and hands moved.

"Fuck, you're alive, baby can you hear me?" He rushed.

He's getting insane and it makes me want to laugh.

"Fuck, baby, don't die on me. I still needed to apologize and marry you, " his thumb brushed on my cheeks. "Fuck, my phone."

I felt him tensed as he searches for devices.

I decided to hide the devices at our neighbours apartment to make it really seem like we're robbed.

"ARE WE ROBBED?" he shouted, echoing through the apartment. "FUCK ME!"

"My PlayStation, the Xbox, my phone." I didn't understand what he's talking about but I located his voice next to me. "That cost more than this apartment. Shit."

"No. Your life is more important. Fuck I don't care, I'll bother the neighbours," his words made me sat up to stop him. He was still looking at me and his face turned into a shocked Pikachu.

Oh, I just remembered that I left his devices at the neighbours.

"Y-your alive?" he kneeled in front of me, supporting my body with his arms. "Fuck, how do you feel? Can you see me? Hear me?"

I closed my eyes.

The prank slightly failed. It didn't go well as I expected it to be. I decided to just tell him the truth. His trust would probably be crumpled.

"Babe, it's just a prank," I fiddled my fingers.

"What?" He said making me look at him. "But where are my consoles?"

"At the neighbours' house," my voice became small, getting scared at his actions.

I looked down for minutes before he hugged me unexpectedly.

"You scared me," he mumbles. "You got me there. I really thought you're dead."

"I'm sorry."

"No," he held my face up, making me look at him. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done those things to you. I felt incredibly terrible. I'm sorry. I promise to have a proper schedule."

I smiled. Maybe this is a good start. "I love you."

"I love you too," he kissed me passionately.

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