20. Happiness

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Boyfriend's POV

Finally! I can go home and have sleep.

After twelve hours of sitting at my desk, I can not feel my ass anymore and my back was aching and begging for my soft, warm bed.

It's a tiring and stressful day today. Well, every Saturday would be very busy, stressful day and today's Saturday.

But I'm glad that I can rest the whole day tomorrow.

Working as an assistant of the CEO was great as the salary is high but it can also can exhausting and sometimes I will take an overtime to finish the job in time.

My boss wasn't very strict but his schedule is. I would constantly go up and down in our 60 floor building but today's different. I stayed at my desk, sitting the whole day, checking files and papers.

I cleaned my desk and got ready to leave.

Before I can leave my office, my phone vibrated indicating that I have a message. I checked it and saw my girlfriend's name below it was her message, asking what time will I be home.

Oh, yes.

I have a woman that waits for me to get home.

I always tell her to not wait for me but I guess I can never stop her. That's what she is.

I replied "12:30" before I put my phone back to where it was and started walking home.

When I reached the door, I was greeted with my co-worker. They asked me if I wanted to have a drink with them but I refused. I still have a woman waiting and worrying for me.

Our apartment is a 10 minutes walk, just seven buildings away.

This city I currently live in was very busy.

Sometimes, whenever I walk to my apartment, there would be a little girl that would always give flowers to strangers.

Now, at this time, she's at her usual spot giving off yellow colored flower to anyone who passes by.

How is she not kidnapped yet?

It's midnight, children should be sleeping at this time.

When I passed her, she grabbed my shirt and pulled it repeatedly. I turned to her and and raised a brow.

She seemed intimidated to the face I make so I immediately turned it into a smile.

I can hear my girlfriend's voice telling me to smile and look gentle so children won't get scared.

"What is it?" I asked in a very gentle way as I can.

My voice is deep and I sometimes use it to intimidate someone.

The girl pointed at my bag and said, "that is my favorite cartoon."

"Oh," I positioned my bag in front of me to fully display the small Nezuko plushie key chain thingy.

Is anime a cartoon?

"This?" I asked and she nodded. "Do you want to have it?"

I regret saying that as I remember that this was from my girlfriend. She got it from a claw machine five months ago.

The girl nodded happily, "I would give you this flowers in return."

It's a good exchange but I was hesitant.

I could give her this key chain and I'd have the flowers to my girlfriend. But I will lose this key chain thing.

What will she do if I don't have it with me?

I remember her getting frustrated, taking more that hundred tries and wasting her money for that key chain.

But then

She would be happy if I made someone smile, especially children.

I can already imagine her smiling while she listens to the reason why I gave this to a little girl.

That woman always think about others before herself.

"Well then,."

I smiled at the little girl and removed the little plushie from my bag.

"Here you go," we handed our things to each other.

The girls smile is so beautiful.

The little girl hugged me and I shuffled her hair lightly.

"Thank you, thank you so much," she giggled.

I kneeled in front of her then smiled, "please take care of that, okay?" She nodded.

I stood back up and started walking away while waving my hands goodbye.

I heard her call her mother while she squeals about the plushie key chain thing.

I subconsciously smiled to myself and looked at the flowers.

It's not her favorite flowers nor her favorite colors but I think she'll like it. Also, I rarely give her flowers so it'll be a surprise.

Once I get in our apartment, I see my girlfriend on the floor entertaining herself with the jackstone I bought last year.

Her head went to up to face me then she smiled widely, "you're home!" She squealed.

She came up running to me, opening her arms for a hug.

Everything inside me lighten up. This is what I've been wanting since I left home this morning.

"Have you eaten yet?" She asked and I nodded my head. "Then you must rest, I already prepared your clothes to change, you want to take a bath?- Oh you must be thirsty-"

She was cut off when I raised the flowers to her face. Her shocked face slowly turned in to a smile. Then she looked at me.

"For me?" She asked with a sweet voice.


She happily took it and said thank you many times.

"I love you so much!" She stood on her toes and reached her head up to peck my lips.

I smiled, cupped her face and lower my head to kiss her more, passionately. "I love you too, always."


A/N: do you like it?

The girl (you) found out that the key chain thingy wasn't with the boyfriend anymore but when she (you) heard the story she smiled at him and gave him love that no one can ever give.


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