40. Lactose Intolerant

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ik ik, this is weird i am just writing things that was stuck in my head

1st person's POV

I really hate this feeling.

Why do I have to be lactose intolerant?

I just wanted to live life without having trouble on the toilet after eating dairy foods.

What makes the situation worse is that, I took a shit at the mall.

I am praying that no one can smell this horrible smell.

I was just looking around to buy new cosmetics until I felt this cramping pain in my asshole.

There are tears on the corners of my eyes as I push the remaining shit out my body.

I sighed in relief but my poop hole hurt. It feels like it's being burned.

But then I realized, I don't have any wet wipes with me. There wasn't any bidet or tissue in here either.

I cursed at myself.

How can I not have anything to wipe up my butt.

I pulled out my phone and decided whether to call my friends and ask to bring me tissue.

I can do that but I will need to endure a week with them teasing me for forgetting wet wipes and shitting at the mall.

Then I saw my boyfriend's name on my phone.

I hope that he's not busy right now.

As soon as I called him, he immediately answered as he always do.

"Yes, baby?" He said with a soft voice.

"Where are you? Are you busy?"

"I'm at the grocery store and no, I'm not busy. Why?"

"Can you bring me wet wipes or tissue?" I shyly said. I can feel my face turning red from embarrassment.

"Oh. I can," He paused and I heard a light shuffling on his side. "Where are you right now?"

"At the mall, restroom, second floor."

He hummed, "alright, I'll be there in five minutes."

He hung up and I sat there, on the toilet waiting for him to come.

After minutes of waiting, I heard a voice of a man talking to the ladies in the bathroom. His voice echoed through the bathroom.

It gave me relief.

"Excuse me," I heard him said as he knocks, "can I come in for a moment? I just need to give something for my girlfriend."

Another person answred and let him in.

"y/n, it's me," he called out.

I stuck my hand under the bathroom door and told him, "look down."

I felt plastic bag on my hand. I thanked him before he left.

After cleaning my ass and hands, I went out the bathroom and searched for him.

I just wanna know if he's still here, waiting for me.

And he is.

He's leaning against the wall while scrolling through his phone.

I walked close to him, "you waited for me?"

He looked to me and nodded.


"I wanted to spend time with you? Are you going anywhere else?"

"Actually, I was just about to buy new foundation," I took his hands and dragged him back to where I was.

Then negative thoughts filled my head. I'm so conscious about how I smell. I feel like I smell like poop.

I slightly tugged on my boyfriend's shirt and he turned his attention to me. We both stopped walking.

"Do I smell like poop?" I asked shyly. He simply shook his head.

"Really?" I asked again, not believing him.

He sighed heavily, kind of getting annoyed, "you don't smell and if you do, I would've told you earlier."

I just nodded before we continue walking.

I think I am just imagining it.

I am really glad that my boyfriend doesn't make things like this a big deal. He's understanding and respectful.

I love him so much.

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