22. When He Cooks For You

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1st person's POV

Finally! I got home after a tiring work from cafe. Costumers are slowly increasing and it causes a lot of orders and deliveries.

I entered inside the apartment and the delicious smell greeted me.

It's always like this ever since I lived with my boyfriend.

He cooks for me, morning, afternoon, evening, midnight, anytime. The food also tastes delicious and the plating is very appetizing.

I immediately went to the kitchen to watch him cook.

"I'm home~" I sang and hugged him from behind. He leaned a little indicating me that he hugs back.

"Welcome back," he said and looked at me with a smile, "how's work?"

I moaned as I remember how stressed I was making drink for costumers and trying my hardest to be polite for long. "It was exhausting and everything."

"Hmmm, then I should hurry so you can eat then sleep early," he said then looked at me again.

I nodded and leaned my head on his shoulder then just watched him finish.

After some minute, he already finished and we started preparing the table.

Then we eat.

Our lunch was chicken noodle soup. Its soup was slightly thick and has this soft accent. It's very light but flavorful. The noodles were homemade, it's silky and light It complements the soup perfectly. The chicken were perfectly cooked and was very tasty.

I finished my food in no time.

"Mmmmmh~" I moaned in delight. "That was so good."

The meal was very satisfying and it doesn't make my tummy too full.

"Are you satisfied?" My boyfriend asked with a proud smile fully displayed on his face.

I nodded, "very satisfied."

We both stood up and started to clean the table.

I wanted to clean the dishes but my boyfriend stopped me.

"You must take a rest, I'll do it," he whispered in my ear, hugging me from behind then kissed my cheek.

And so, I went to our room and took a short bath then plopped myself to bed. Exactly at that time, my boyfriend entered the room.

He smiled at me and joined me on the bed.

He let out a deep breath as soon as he cuddled my up.

"What are you feeling?" He asked with soft voice. It made me sleepy.

"I'm all fine now, I feel better after eating dinner."

He hummed, "was my food that good?" I nodded. "Then I should always cook for you."


(A/N): Is short

I want to have a boyfriend who knows how to cook ♡


Boyfriend ImaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora