27. Cramps

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1st person's POV

I kept on shifting on my seat. I couldn't watch properly because of this cramps.

I bring my knees to my chest then hugged them to press my lower stomach to ease some pain.

After a minute, pain is slowly creeping in so I moved my arms to my lower belly to hug it tightly.

My boyfriend then noticed.

"Cramps?" I looked up at him after he asked. Then I nodded.

He smiled widely then placed his hand under my arms and lifted me and placed me on his thighs.

He then wrapped his arms tightly around my lower abdomen then started whispering sweet nothings.

Later on, the pain went away and we both enjoyed the show.


(A/N): it's very short
this scenario kept playing on my head because my cramp won't go away even though i still haven't got my period yet.


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