26. Heels

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1st person's POV


And and I'm on my way home from a party.

Walking on heels were very painful. Mostly the toes and the back of my feet.

I regret wearing them for a long party.

Also regret not bringing any sandals or shoes to change the heels.

My feet's crying.

I removed my heels as I get closer to my home.

Just a little more.

I encouraged myself.

Once I reached the house, my legs gave out and I luckily landed on the couch.

"Haaaaaaaaa~~" I groaned.

It's a tiring day.

"You're home," my boyfriend's voice beamed.

He should be sleeping by now.

"Why did you wait for me?" I scolded him.

He giggled a little and went closer to me, "I can't sleep without you~"

Then he kneeled infront of me as I sat up right. He reached for my foot and started massaging it.

I moaned in relief. "Wow that feels goooood~"

"You got bruise here," he pointed at the back of my foot, "then here," he pointed at my toes.

"Yeah, it's painful there."

He stood up and went somewhere.

My foot felt empty and cold when he left.

I wiggled, stretched my toes to gain some more relief.

When he came back, he was bringing ice pack with him.

I jumped from the coldness as he pressed it on the redish area of my foot.

"Sorry, did that hurt?"

I shook my head, "no, it's colder than expected."

Minutes passed and I was getting sleepier so I told him to move to our bedroom.

I tried to stand up on my own feet but it's not letting me so he just carried me to the bedroom.

He placed me on the bed and continued cold compressing (?) my foot.

"Sleep now, baby, I'll be right here," he assured me with soft and warm voice.

I smiled at him, "Thank you."

Then everything went black.

*the next day*

I woke up with a sharp pain on my legs. My calves and thighs were sore and it hurt so bad.

I poke it with my finger to make sure that the pain is real.

I called out my boyfriend, shouting his name.

He replied with, "I'll be there in a sec!"

Then after his response, the door opened.

"What is it?"

"I can't walk," I pointed on my legs.

"Is your feet still not okay?"

I shook my head, "my feet are okay, but my calves and thigh muscles are sore."

He sighed with a smile on his face then walked closer to carry me.

And so, I spent the day on the couch while my boyfriend was taking care of me.

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