1:An Occasion

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Welcome to my humble abode~

This story takes place after Imagine Me, the book before Believe Me, as it was written prior to the newest novella's release. In other words, it's not exactly up to date but it's pretty close.

Context: Juliette/Ella is married to Warner. They've taken down the Reestablishment and Juliette has gained popularity from the citizens. Continue reading to find out what happens next!

Aaron and I walk up to our bedroom after dinner, eager for the night.

After thick and thin, countless struggles, and disproval from too many people, Aaron and I have been married for 5 years; I 23, he 25.

We celebrated our anniversary with a grand dinner accompanied by all of the supreme commanders of the other continents. Our marriage marks peace among the other countries which is why we gathered today. Even Lena Mishkin was at the dinner.

Since my arraignment, all has calmed down and peace is beginning to spread around the world. My dreams are finally coming true.

When we're almost at the door to our room Aaron grabs my hand, leaving a kiss on knuckles. Thats the new norm with my husband and I couldn't be more happy. We're finally together with everyone's support. Life is bliss.

We step into the bedroom hand in hand and I immediately collapse on the bed, nearly exhausted.Closing my eyes and inhaling deeply, I feel the bed sink on either side of my head, and warm minty breath invades my nose.

A small, knowing smile spreads on my face. Aaron begins to pepper kisses along my jaw as I wrap my arms around his neck, opening my eyes.

"These have been the best 5 years of my life." He whispers into my ear, continuing to trail kisses down my neck and collar bone.

"Me too Aaron. I love you." I giggle.

"I love you too, Angel."

I cup his cheeks and stare him deep in the eye right before our lips meet. His mouth encapsulates mine as warmth spreads throughout my whole body.

Love isn't a strong enough word for what I feel for this man.

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