6: Elevator Thoughts

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Aaron p.of v.

Ever since a couple hours ago, this has been the one thing thats on my mind. I know how unsafe this might be for Juliette. She will become an even bigger target, not to mention the stress it will add to her plate.

Don't misunderstand, It would truly make me happy to have a child wit Juliette. i'm already thinking about holding the child, I'm just scared for our future.

I know very well what Castle is going to say, but I don't expect Juliette to. Her mind is clouded right now and there is nobody to blame for that. Castle would be like a grandfather to this child but he is also the protector of all of us. If he senses danger, he wont allow it any further.

I don't think he will encourage or force termination but I haven't pushed away the thought completely. I know how much that would break Juliette and he does too.

Juliette's hand is in mine as we walk down the hallway to Castles office to tell him the news.

"I can read your face, baby." Juliette whispers to me.

"What was that?" I respond with, even thought I heard her. We step into the elevator together and she sighs. We both turn to look at each other and she puts her hand on my cheek, looking at me deeply.

"I know what you're thinking." She tells me.

"And whats that?"

"The risk that I'm taking, Castles opinion, what would happen if termination was nescessary." She says as she strokes my cheek with her thumb. Wow. She can read me a bit better than I thought.

I give her a small smile.

"Tell me i'm wrong."

I hold onto the hand that is sitting on my cheek, close my eyes, and lean into her palm.

"You aren't wrong, darling. I don't even know what to do in this situation"

"We can find out together. I have no doubts. Maybe I sound stupid and naive but do I really have any other options? I will love this baby to death and I will protect it with all my being. I want you to do the same along with me... For almost all my life, I thought I would never be able to have children of my own. I thought I'd never be able to have a family. You seem to be proving me wrong time and time again. I want to carry through with this pregnancy with you. I want to have our baby"

I think about her loving words for a moment.

"And so will I, love this baby to death and protect it with all my being." I say while opening my eyes and tilting my head straight.

She smiles into the kiss, our lips instantly making contact. This kiss seems almost scared, like one that 2 would share before something bad happens. We kiss until the elevator hits the top floor, the floor of Castles office.

AN:Short and sweet ;)

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