10: No Cure

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Aaron P.O.V.
Im sitting in a chair by Juliette's hospital bed, while her hand is clasped is mine. She stares expressionless at the door in front of her, without saying a word,

I wish there was something I could say, something I could do. But I know something like this can only heal with time.

I can tell by her reaction. She's blaming it on herself. Nobody could've known that this was possible.


Aaron's P.O.V.

"Juliette has been unconscious for hours now." I said to Castle.

He looked at me with sympathetic eyes

"We were so careful...How?" I whispered.

"Son, I took the time to speak with the twins." Castle started.

(an: Incase you don't remember, the twins aka Sara and Sonya are the girls with healing powers and they constantly used to save all the characters)

"And...?" I hesitantly asked.

"Well, when the capitol got attacked, Juliette had to turn on her powers, igniting that touch of hers." He said looking at me in the eyes.

No. Out of all the reasons in the world. God, no.

End of flashback

Its currently 7 p.m in the evening, 2 days after the attack. The rebels have been taken care of and will most probably never reappear back into our lives, or so we hope.

Juliette isn't accepting any visitors, not even Kenji.

I wish she wouldn't take fault. She and I both know that the only people to blame are the rebels. She could have carried out with pregnancy if it wasn't for the rebel's abrupt selfishness and lack of conscience.

Yesterday was when the procedure was done. Juliette held onto me the whole time while she cried her heart out. The doctors told me the gender, but I didn't have the heart to tell Juliette.

AN: A d&c is a procedure done when a miscarriage occurs past 4 months :/

Our little girl is now gone, am I afraid my Juliette has gone with her. This is only temporary... I think.

It would be so unsympathetic of me to just expect her to bounce back to her happy self. All I can do now is be there for her. Even if we don't speak, even if we don't laugh, having her hand in mine is enough.

A week later~

Her brown waves sit in front of her faces as her eyes stare blankly at the door. Her face is expressionless, lifeless, but nevertheless she looks beautiful.

"I'm going to step outside for a moment, my love." I whisper to her.

She nods, one of the first forms of communication Ive seen in days.

I stand up, plant a kiss on her forehead, and walk out the hospital room.

I walk through the halls, looking for a special someone. I know he will be able to help me. A master of emotional intelligence, of Juliette. He's the only one I can think of to help me. I dont know what to do anymore. It has been over a week and she hasn't spoken yet. She accepts my light kisses, my grasp on her hand, but it ends there.

After a few minutes of searching the halls, the search proves to be more difficult than expected. Im about to turn back around when I hear a thud right behind me. I swiftly turn around, seeing absolutely nothing.

"Kenji." I say calmly. That sneaky little-

"Hey, man..." He says, turning off his invisibility.

"Have you been following me?" I say, trying not to out my sadness right away.

"Listen, I just wanted to make sure your and Jules are alright. She's not allowing any visitors and I just want to help." He says looking down, with a hand on his neck.

I inhale before I speak.

"I was actually looking for you." I say, a bit shy.

"What is it?" He asks calmly.

"I don't...I-I don't-" I say stuttering. The tears are pooling in the corner of my eyes. I should b strong for her.

Kenji looks at me pitifully, as he come closer, pulling me into a hug. I still havent let the tears out yet as I try to resist his embrace.

Finally giving in, the tears fall.

In and out.

In and out.

I try controlling my breathing.

He finally lets me go while I bring back a stern expression to my face.

"You can tell me." He says.


Im sitting on Kenji's couch, after our short walk to his bedroom.

"I know a week isn't that long for her not to be speaking, but I still worry." I say

It feels like Kenji is my therapist, but I couldn't care less if it means helping Juliette.

"Juliette is a smart girl, you know that. She wouldn't refrain from speaking if she didn't think she needed it. She will eventually talk to you. All she needs is time. I can tell you're blaming yourself. Neither of you are at fault for anything. Losing a baby is extremely emotionally straining. Even I get it if she doesn't want to see me. I think all we can do now is show her that we care, that we're there for her." Kenji explains.

I nod my head. He 's right. I just have to shoe her how much I love her.

That's exactly what I'll do.

"Thank you, Kenji. I owe you." He laughs before I give him a confused expression.

"We're family, you don't owe me anything. We both want Juliette to get better."

He gives me another hug as I give him a thankful smile and step out his room, heading back to my love.

an: 1k words

Happy thanksgiving.

I'm grateful for my readers ;)

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