3: Testing

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After some time, we heard a knock at the door. Aaron opened it to reveal a woman in a white coat, holding a briefcase.

"Good Afternoon, Mr. and Mrs.  Warner." She closed the door behind her.

"I heard you, Mrs. Warner, were not able to keep down any food?"

"Thats correct doctor. It happened a few days ago as well."

"No worries. We can run a few tests to make sure it's nothing serious." She said sweetly. Aaron and I nodded.

She took my temperature and stuck and popsicle stick down my throat. I almost gagged at the unusual presents of craft supplies in my throat. She checked my heartbeat with a stethoscope and my ears with an otoscope.

"Mrs. Warner, your blood pressure is a bit higher than i'd like it to be. I'm just going to draw some blood and be back with the results soon." No...No....No. I hate needles. It might sound comical coming from me but it's true. Aaron knowingly walked around the bed and took a seat near me. He wrapped his arm around my waist, knowingly. The doctor prepared the spot on the inner side of my elbow by gently wiping it with an antiseptic towelette. She slowly inserted the needle and found the vain on her fist try. I felt pinch in my arm and quickly looked away, turning my head to Aaron. He smiled at me until the doctor was finished.

"I'll take this to the lab but first I have a few questions. It's just routine so don't be alarmed." She took out a notepad.


"Have you or your husband recently traveled outside the country recently?"


"Are you on any medications?"

"Only birth control."

"Do you have any allergies?"


"Have you had unprotected sex within the past 30 days?" She asked next. My eyes almost bulged out of my head. I turned to Aaron and he also looked quite surprised with a slight smile on his face.

"Yes." I said, with a concerned look on my face. The doctor made a hopeful smile.

"Is there a chance you could be pregnant, Juliette?" Since we have switched topics, a first name basis feels more appropriate.

"I guess..." I looked at Aaron whose face still had a small smile plastered on it.The doctor smiled at both of us.

"The tests will let me know if you are  pregnant Juliette. I'll be back with the results within a couple hours. Drink plenty of fluids and take an aspirin if it gets too bad." I nodded, still shocked by what she'd just said a moment ago. The doctor smiled at me and walked out the door. My eyes lingered there for too long. Aaron turned my head using his fingers on my cheek.
"Tell me what you're thinking, sweetheart. I cannot tell what your expression means and it's killing me." He looked at me with concerned eyes and a furrowed brow.
"I don't know what to think. I'm not sure if I'm prepared to bring a child into the world. Am I mature enough, am I ready?" I sighed.
" I do know this though; if I could choose anyone to help me carry my child and be the father of my baby, it'd be you." I touched my hand to his cheek while I confessed my thoughts to him.
"I am scared, but I'm excited to grow our family." I finished. My eyes started to tear up and that's when I saw Aaron's eyes become glossy, like he was about to shed a tear himself.
"I'd say the same about you Juliette. You'd be an amazing mother, don't even think twice about it. I know you're scared but nobody actually knows how to be a parent. They give all their love to their family and they do their best. I believe, Juliette, that you'd an amazing and caring mother.If you are pregnant, you have my full commitment." His words made me give in. The tears flew from eyes and he quickly wrapped both arms around me. I'm not sure what me tears were from. Fear? Happiness? Both? Neither? I shouldn't cry. I don't even know if I'm pregnant. I'm so glad to know I have my husbands full support.
"I love you so much Aaron. I don't think I can do this without you." I looked at him.
" I love you too, love. And you don't have to do anything without me." His lips met mine and we shared a kiss of hope. Neither of knew what news was to end shared within the next hour, but whatever it was, we would be prepared.

A/N: Thank you so much to my few supporters. It means a lot that some people actually appreciate what I write. Continuing this when I get the chance!
Xoxo- Samie

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