Bonus Chapter 3: Happy Birthday Aaron

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Hi guys! In honor of Warners birthday I'll be posting a bonus update. Stay tuned!
Ever since I met Aaron, he's always been quite outspoken about his dislike for birthday celebrations. He never understood the point of them and thought the idea was kind of self centered. Most years, he actually forgets his own birthday. Despite this, he never fails to make me feel especially appreciated when it is my own birthday. He'll always plan some intimate event and gift me something thoughtful which is why I decided that this time around, I Aaron would be getting the birthday celebration he deserved. This upcoming birthday happens to be the second that we get to celebrate with our daughter Leila which makes it all the more special. Ever since her birth, Aaron has become quite the softie when we're alone which leads me to believe that he might actually appreciate this birthday celebration I have planned for him. I know my husband, and I'm sure he wouldn't enjoy a gaudy, extravagant event but rather an endearing evening, similar to the ones he plans for me.   

"Kenji, what are doing this Thursday night?" I ask my friend while we sit uninterrupted at our lunch table. Aaron decided to finish up some paperwork while taking care of Leila before coming down to lunch.

"Why, Jules? So I can watch Leils while you and your husband get it on?" He snarkily replies. "Thats a crude way to put it. It's Warners birthday so I just wanted to celebrate with his for a bit. I get it if you're busy or just don't want to take care of her." "Nah, I'm just tryna be annoying. I'll do it. Sure." "Yay! Thank you Kenji. I promise she'll be very well behaved."

While we finished our food, I began to brainstorm ideas. I already have one trick up my sleeve and the other, well, might take a bit more effort.   Before I know it, lunch is over and I'm heading upstairs to my husband and daughter. Lately work has been tough as the sector tries to revamp a lot to the other towns but it's nothing we can't handle. Immediately after I open the door, I watch as Aaron quickly baffles toward me, enveloping me in hug. "Gosh, love. I missed you." I giggle at his semantics. He never fails to make me laugh behind closed doors. "I was only gone for 45 minutes." "That was long enough," he says, releasing me from his arms. I smile into his emerald eyes before his lips are on mine in a kiss filled with adoration. "Is our daughter still alive?" I whisper, teasingly. He gives me a look that says "What do you take me for?" And grabs to my hand to lead me toward her play pen and all I can think about is how much I'll miss her for the single night we'll be separated.  

Time skip: Thursday Evening (Aaron's Bday!)

This whole morning, I acted completely clueless. I was almost sure Aaron was reminded of his birthday from Delalieu, but I couldn't be too sure. After having dinner around 7 o'clock,  and my family headed upstairs to start winding down. "Actually, Aaron, I'm going to drop Leila off by Kenji and Nazeera fo the night." "You are? How come? I can tend to her tonight if you need me to?" Of course, he responds this way. "No, don't worry about it! Just go take bath and relax. I left you a little something." He looks at me, completely confused as I take our freshly showered daughter down to Kenji's quad. Upstairs, I left Aaron a box full of imported, hand crafted soaps that I knew he'd love. Aaron actually had a collection from when he was young but those sadly got destroyed during the revolt. I hand picked the scents, making sure they were to his liking. I also left him a heartfelt letter, wishing his a happy birthday while I reminded him of how grateful Leila and I are for him. When I got back upstairs I quickly changed into my robe and entered the bathroom where I saw Aaron, standing fully clothed, holding onto my letter tightly. He had a very emotional expression on his face, so contrasting to the one he wears around strangers. He swallowed and looked up at me before embracing me. His hands gently held my face while our lips collided in a kiss so passionate. It spoke more than I words could ever. "I'm so grateful for you, love. I don't even know where to begin." He murmured in between breaths. "You don't have to say anything. I love you. Happy birthday, Aaron." And slowly, his clothes came off, piece by piece while we made use of the fresh soaps.   

After our bath, that took longer than expected, I led Aaron to our bed where I had my final surprise for him. "I have one more small thing." "Love, you've done enough. This is more than I could ever ask for. Just c'mere." He opened his arms wide and gladly cuddled up to his bare chest. "Dont worry, this one isn't as grand." After he made a disapproving look, I reached one to my nigh stand, pulling out a narrow box with a tree ribbon wrapped around it. "Whatever could this be?" He wondered. He skillfully tugged at the loose stand of the bow and careful lifted the lid of the box. His even breathing suddenly paused as I awaited his reaction. In the box laid a positive pregnancy test, indicating that our family was soon going to grow. When it finally clicked, his eyes shot up straight at me pulled me into hat seemed like the hundredth hug of the night. "How did I get so lucky?" He uttered. I was sure I could hear tears is his voice. He pulled away, moving the strands of my hair out of my face as our foreheads touched. "Happy birthday, baby." I said, sniffling. "You make me so happy. You and Lelia, and now our next child. Thank you, love, for giving me more than I could ever ask for." "If only you knew what it was liked bing married to you." I giggled at the surreal moment and counted my blessings, one by one. Hopefully Aaron doesn't have any more reservations about birthdays."

For those that have spring break now, I hope you enjoy your vacation. 🤍🤍

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