False attack

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Third person's POV (This chapter will be in Narrative form, I wanted to express everyone's point of view in this chapter.)

The small blue light, that only Grace could see, disappeared into the woods somewhere.

She ran in the direction of the light leaving Dean and Alyssa behind. She had no idea where that light was taking her but she trusted her instincts and followed it.

After running deep into the jungle she felt something else. She felt lots of emotions. She halted and took a sniff. She smelled the blood. The light suddenly disappeared but Grace's full attention was diverted by the emotions she was feeling.

She started running towards the direction where she felt that connection from.

She could feel Dean near her so she was assured that those two were following her.

"You can not run like that whenever you want. It is too dangerous." She heard Dean's voice in her head.

"I know, but I felt this need to be somewhere. Someone needs me. My body is acting on its own." Grace explained.

"I know, you must have a reason but you can not do this again. I am here to protect you. You will tell me whenever you feel the need to run away like that. It's too dark in here so now focus. I am just behind you." Dean said.

Grace started running at full speed. She was in her human form but still could run faster than most of the werewolves in their wolf form.

She started to feel pain, fear, and anger. They were not her emotions but others. It was a lot so she guessed that she was feeling not only one person's emotions but of many.

They need you. Run fast. They are in danger.

It was Sophia. She seemed worried about some people. Grace had no idea why Sophia is saying that but she trusted her and ran faster.

She saw flames blazing in the middle of the jungle. She could hear cries, howls, and groans.

There was a war going on between two packs. She neared the area.

She smelled the rogues. So the war was going on between one pack and a group of rogues but by the close look, Grace saw that the Pack had the upper hand over the rogues, then why she felt the need to protect the pack?

She felt Dean close to her. Dean was in his wolf form so it was Eric in front of her. Alyssa came just after.

"What is going on? Why you ran over here? You can not do that again." Alyssa asked.

Eric gave a look to Grace. Grace understood what he meant. 'I told you so.'

"I don't understand this myself. By the look of the situation, the pack doesn't need my help but I still feel this need to protect someone. I don't know who needs my protection. And why I am feeling this way? I am not capable of protecting anyone." Grace said.

Sophia-Yes, you are. This is your duty. Save them.

Grace- But who?

Sophia didn't reply to that. Grace looked at the horrifying scene in front of her eyes. Then she felt it, the immense pain. She clutched her chest to stop the ache but it was of no use. It started increasing.

She looked panicked and saw it. A werewolf was about to attack a child who was crying loudly sitting in the middle of the war.

Grace ran towards them without a second thought. She reached there on time and slammed into the wolf. She was still human and it was impossible to even bulge that massive-sized wolf with her tiny body but that werewolf flew and hit a tree.

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