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Grace's POV


I ran as fast as I could and before I could reach him, Xander jumped over my head and turned mid-air. Seeing him, everyone scattered away from Dean's wounded body.

Sofia was scratching me from the inside to get out and kill everyone who touched him. But I was controlling her. Only one of us is enough for them.

 Xander was standing on his fours over Dean's body. I rushed towards them and took Dean's head in my lap. I checked his wound. They were not serious, but too many. 

'Why the hell did he change into a human in the middle of a fight?' I questioned.

'It has to do something with the fact that Eric has gone dormant.' Sofia said.

'What do you mean by dormant?'

'I could not feel him.'

'How is that possible?'

'I don't know, but please let's take him inside first.'

"Xander, he needs treatment right now," Xander growled lowly at the warriors for the last time, and Ben came out with a few spare wraps and gowns for Xander and Dean. 

Xander changed back in front of everyone, but at the moment I didn't care about the hawk-like gaze of the female wolves around us. 

I covered Dean. Xander picked him up and took him inside. I asked Ben to bring the doctor here. Xander laid him on the bed and covered him properly. 

His wounds were healing all right, but there were some deep wounds too. I was angry and Xander knew it. He held me in his arms to calm me down. 

"This should not have happened. He always gets hurt. I hate it."

"He is a strong wolf. He can handle it. We have fought many wars together. We get hurt but we soon get back on our feet again."

"I am still worried."

"I know..."

"Alpha... Luna..." We looked at Dean. He woke up. I rushed to him. 

"Are you fine?" But he ignored my question and looked at Xander.

"There will be an attack soon. Maybe tonight or tomorrow."

"WHAT?" We all turned to look at Ben. He was standing at the door with a doctor. "What attack? Who is going to do it?"

"Some group of rogues." Ben looked worried and then he looked at me. He was glaring at me hard.

"It's you. It's because you came back. It is just like that day. They came and slathered us just to because of you." Ben marched towards me, enraged.

"What the hell are you saying?" Xander stood in front of me. Ben backed away and got out of the room. "I should go and check on the situation. I will have to call other Alphas to find out the actual situation." Xander kissed my head and left.

I went to Dean. The Doctor entered and started looking at his wounds. "He is infected with wolf's bane."

"What? How could a werewolf use such a mean against another werewolf?"

"It's allowed in our territory." The doctor defended their cruel means of fighting.

"How..." But then entered a woman I was seeing after so long, whom I once believed that she loved me like her own daughter, but I was wrong.

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