The Protector

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Grace's POV-

I was looking at the door, from where Xander had just gone out.

Dean came near the bed and sat on the chair. It's very shocking, how I don't feel scared of him. Not for a single movement. Even when I knew Xander was my mate, I still felt hesitant to accept that feeling. But with Dean, it is not like that. I am so confused.

"Are you alright?" He asked. I nodded yes.

"Good, I was hell worried about you." He said sighing.

Why would he feel worried? No one ever cared before, Xander is my mate, so his worry is understandable, but why he?

"You want to lay down?" He asked again.

I shook my head. I was resting for a long time. I don't want to now.

"Okay." he said, and we both got quiet.

"It is very quiet here. Right?" He said after some time.

"You will love it here. Our packhouse's Cook is very good. What do you like to eat?" He was talking about random things.

'Do you have a mate?' I wrote.

"No, not yet." He said sadly.

"How old are you?" I asked.

"Old enough to have one by now, I thought, like our alpha, I am cursed too, to never have a mate." The sadness was so vivid on their faces. It pained me literally. So much that I had to clutch my chest with my hand.

"We, me and alpha have always been jealous of Rock. He is younger than us but still has found his mate. We were once talked about it. Our mates. He always pretended that he didn't need one but he was desperately waiting for one." I was looking at him. He was looking down at his hands, which were folded in his lap. He looked up. I looked deeply into his eyes. He chuckled and nodded. I didn't answer the question, but still, he answered my unasked question.

"Yes, so was me. I wanted a mate too. Someone whom I can love to my heart's content. Someone who will love me, regardless of how bad of a person I am. After years of searching, I left hope. But when you come into our lives, I hope that I will also find my mate soon." He said smiling.

"I hope so too." I wrote.

We went quiet again.

I wanted to ask him about something, badly. I looked at him.

What should I do? What if he assumed wrong about me? What if he misunderstood my question?

"You want to ask something?" He asked without me saying anything. I smiled at that, that he understood me.

But why? How?

I nodded.

"Ask anything." He said with a warm smile.

I was just looking at him.

I don't know how to ask this, in words? What should I ask him?

What is this, that I'm feeling? I thought.

"You don't understand what you are feeling for me?" He said the words I just thought. I was looking at him, shocked.

How did he know what I wanted to ask? Did he feel the connection, too?


Dean's POV-

The question was clearly written on her face. The way she was looking at me, her question was simple.

Alpha's Mute MateHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin