The Familiar basket

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Grace's POV

"Why Sofia could not sense Eric's presence?" I asked as we followed Estha to her home.

"He is fine. He is just being moody." Dean replied curtly.

Something was off I could tell by his tone. I felt that there was some distance between us.

We reached the house where I grew up. All those memories, good or bad, started to hit me one after another as I looked around. There were more bad memories to remember than good ones, but still, there were moments when I laughed and felt the warmth of a family. They were all temporary but still there.

We entered the house. Without thinking my feet moved toward where the kitchen used to be. I spent most of my time there. I saw the back gate which leads to the back garden. I used to practice some moves I learned by watching other kids in the training area.

I went back to the two. I didn't want to waste any more time, because I had this feeling that if I stayed any longer here, I would start to forgive them.

Now when I am thinking back and what Estha told me about her reasons, I am kind of starting to understand her point of view. But I am still not ready to let go.

"Where are my things?"

"Up in the attic," Estha answered and started ascending the stairs and we followed her.

It was a two-floor house and at the top, there was an attic, which was my punishment room. But I never felt alone or sad there. It was my sacred place to be honest, maybe because I got used to it.

We stepped on the stairs to the attic but Estha suddenly stopped on the last step. She hesitated for a moment at the top of the attic stairs. I could not understand why that was.

She went in after a moment of pause. When I was at the top step, I also stopped involuntarily but then mustered my courage, took a deep breath, and entered into the attic, determined to find the whole truth of my identity.

As I entered, I immediately felt a wave of warmth. Just like in the past but for some reason now I am feeling it stronger than before. Maybe because I came back here after a long time. I ignored the feeling.

I saw Estha standing in front of a shelf, she was looking at the top of it. There were many small and big boxes sitting there. As I unconsciously walked towards the shelf, I started to feel the vibration in my body. There is something that is calling me.

'Dean bring everything down from up there, but be careful.'

I ordered Dean to clear everything off that shelf and put it in front of me and so he did.

There were many boxes but among them was a bamboo basket. It was covered but Dean removed it. I slowly touched it and I felt a strange connection with it like I had seen it before.

I picked it up and took it to the other side where it was lit, I saw something inside of the folds of the blanket. It seemed like a necklace. I took it out.

"This was the necklace I found on you when I took you. It seemed very expensive that's why I hid it so that no one else could take it away from you."

"But you never even show it to me."

"I forgot about it. only right now after seeing it again, I recalled everything from back then."

"How convenient." I ignored her excuses and looked at it again. That necklace seemed like it was calling me out.

So, I did a strange thing, I closed my eyes and suddenly I was in some other place. I could hear the river flowing. I got near the place and saw someone in a cape talking to herself. It was a woman and somewhat familiar.

Suddenly I was standing in front of her, but she still could not see me. She was talking to a baby in a basket.

"Mama loves you. But I don't want you to suffer the same as me."

'Mama...?' She is my mother. It was hurting to see her in tears.

"Mama and Daddy love you. You are our princess and that's why you might get hurt." She took off the necklace and put it in the baby's quilt. "I don't expect you to understand my decision but you will find out why I did it. If people found out even your existence, they would do anything to hurt you, like they did to your father." She kissed the baby, put an envelope on, and got up. The baby started wailing in sleep. My mom bent over and cooed, me back to sleep.

She got up to leave.

'No, don't go. She is too young. I am too young. Don't leave me, it was very hard for me. Mom please...'

"It's okay, my Luna, I am here for you."

I turned and a wolf was standing behind me. It was Eric. I had tears in my eyes, that's why my vision was not clear. He nudged me a little with his head. I immediately felt at ease. I hugged him tightly. I could feel his muscles through his thick but soft fur.

The baby started crying again. Eric immediately went near the baby and howled. He sat there and the baby stopped crying. Eric looked at me and then put his head on his front paws and sat there with the kid.

Suddenly I was back in the attic.

"Grace, what happened?" I looked at him.

"Eric?" I asked.

"It's me, Grace." He was not Eric. I turned towards Estha.

"Was the wolf you saw near me the day you got me, was light brown?" I asked her. She seemed as if trying to remember and then she nodded slowly, still in thought.

"Yes, he was, he was the average size so I think it was a normal wolf." Estha gave other details.

"No, it was not a wild wolf but a very young werewolf."

"Was it Eric?"

"Yes, I feel like it was actually him and not just a dream."

'Eric, can you hear me? Will you talk to me about it?'

No reply. I let him be. I looked for the envelope, but could not find it.

"Where is the envelope you found with it."

"How did you...?" Estha looked shocked. "I was about to give it to you. I kept the letter in some other place. She walked to the other cabinet and took out a small box. She took out an envelope. It was the same one I saw my mom put on me before leaving. This proves that it was not just a dream but what happened. "Here, it is a letter. I never read it; I just knew it was a letter for you." Estha handed me the envelope. I took it and got out of that house. Dean followed me.

We entered the packed house and into the room we were staying in. I sat on the bed and Dean had the envelope in his hand.

"You know that it all doesn't change anything. We will still be here, together. This will answer some of your questions. Just read it when you are ready."

I know many things will change after this. I extended my hand. He handed me the envelope and left it to give me some privacy. It's not that I need it from him but it is still good to read it alone.

I slowly opened the envelope and took out the paper.


Princess Grace,

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