She is powerful

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Xander's POV-

When Dean told me to hurry, I imagined the worst. I was distracted by the old Vampire.

I let all of my senses go wild, just to sense any danger near her but I felt something else. My heart started aching.

It's Grace, she is in pain. A lot of pain. 

I tried to contact Dean but he didn't reply. I ran as fast as I could. My wolf was getting agitative. He was trying to come out but right now if Grace needs me then I can't let my wolf take over.

Blake, my wolf, is very aggressive and short-tempered. I couldn't let him take over; he would destroy more than handle the situation.

My alpha instincts got on alert. Someone was getting its first transformation on my territory.

It was my Alpha duty to stay with the werewolf who had their first shift. The first shift or transformation is always the most painful. Imagine every bone in your body brakes and then it rejoined on its own in the form of a wolf.

After a few shifts, your body gets used to it so it would become less painful.

I reached the safe room within 10 seconds. I heard bone-cracking sounds. It was Grace. Before I could reach her, she turned into a wolf.

It was a very big, snow-white wolf standing in front of me.

She had her first transformation, and I was not with her. She suffered it all alone. It was my duty to help her as the Alpha and as her mate.

The thought of her being in pain hurt me too. I took a step toward her but she growled loudly.

All pack members went on their knees in a second. Her voice, she had a compelling power in her voice.

Even me, the alpha of the most powerful pack, had this feeling to kneel down in front of her. Blake was feeling proud to see his soulmate.

'Sophia, it is the name.' Dean said this name in my head.

She is nothing like the girl I saw in these past few days. Her personality doesn't match with Grace at all. Sophia is as big as Dean, and it is saying something because Dean is almost as big as me.

It was actually impossible to have that big wolf in such a small body. Dean was also on his knees, Alyssa too.

Alyssa was from the family of the Elders, she really didn't need to bow in front of anyone, she was the most respected person here. But if she was kneeling in front of Sophia, it means that she also felt the power that this wolf possesses.

Sophia started to walk towards a specific girl from my pack. She stood in front of the girl, who was kneel down with her head down and looked like she would faint any second.

I could not understand the situation. But I watched patiently. Sophia was making furious noises.

"I...I sorry...." The girl stammered but Sophia growled at her furiously.

The girl immediately bowed her head even lower. "Luna, I am...I am sorry."

Whatever was the matter but the girl's apology didn't satisfy Sophia. She suddenly had the girl under her right front pow. Sophia pushed her painfully to the ground with her wolf strength.

"Sophia" I called out. If she didn't stop, the girl would die.

"Please, calm down love. She will die if you don't stop." But I guess it was a mistake to calm her down because she growled at me. It was so loud that it vibrated the ground.

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