Months Gone

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I laid in bed next to Tommy, snuggled against his side. His arm was comfortably around my waist, hand resting on my stomach as he rubbed my baby bump absentmindedly.

"How're you feeling?" he murmured.

"Can we name her Danielle?" I blurted out. "If it's a girl. I guess we don't know yet, but it feels like she is," I said, slipping my hand beneath his, feeling how round and firm my stomach was already.

He laced his fingers through mine, giving my hand a squeeze.

"Of course we can. Danielle is a pretty name," he said.

"And...and my dad's middle name is Daniel and--"

I trailed off, tears welling up in my eyes. Tommy pulled me closer against him on instinct, giving me a soft kiss on the cheek, stroking my hair. I buried my face in his chest, trying not to break down.

"I miss him," I choked.

"Do you want to talk to him tomorrow?" he asked, and I finally caved.

"Yes! P-please," I whispered.

"We'll talk to him tomorrow. And I promise things will work out," he said, kissing me gently.

I clung to him, soothed by his embrace, dropping off to sleep. The bed was empty when I woke up but I was able to hear the sound of Tommy making breakfast downstairs. Smiling, I stretched, resting a hand on my baby bump. I rose to my feet, walking down the stairs and joining Tommy in the kitchen.

"Good morning handsome," I said, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Good morning gorgeous. You look like you're glowing this morning, you know that?" he said, giving me a fond smile, gaze brimming with love.

"How can I not be, when I'm pregnant with a baby from the man of my dreams," I murmured.

He gave me a long kiss, lips soft against my own.

"And I am so, so glad you are."

The doorbell rang, pulling us apart.

"I'll get it," I said cheerfully, walking to the front door and pulling it open, staring at Ace in shock.

"Oh! D-dad!" I cried, taking a step back.

"Y/N I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for how I reacted, sweetheart. I never should've lost my temper at you. You're a beautiful and capable young woman, you're more than able to look out for yourself and make your own decisions," he said, giving me a sad look. "I've been so damn petty these past few months. And I've missed you. I understand if you don't accept my apology but I really am so sorry. I love you."

I threw my arms around him, giving him a tight hug.

"I know you don't like him, but--"

"Tommy's a fine young man. I'd like to apologize to him too, if he's willing to accept my apology."

"Dad, I promise we really love each other. He's a wonderful man, I've never been happier."

He smiled, putting a hand on my cheek.

"I know. It's just hard sometimes. You're my baby girl, it's hard for me to think of having to let you go and let you grow up. Ever since your mother left when you were a toddler, you've been my whole world," he murmured.

I gave him a tight hug.

"Oh Dad I'm not going to leave you. I'll always be your daughter! I want to be in your life and I want you in mine, I want you to be a grandfather to your grandchild," I said.

He stumbled back, staring at me in shock.

" want what?" he asked in a soft voice, staring at me with wide eyes.

"I want you to be a grandfather to your grandchild. I'm pregnant," I said, resting a hand on my belly, smoothing my shirt down to show off my small baby bump.

He stared at me in silence and I felt my heart racing before he wrapped me in a tight hug, starting to cry. I hugged him back just as tightly, starting to cry myself.

Outta This World: A Y/N x Tommy Thayer StoryWhere stories live. Discover now