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I was almost reluctant to go to another show, but Eric had insisted and I did enjoy seeing him. He picked me up from my house once again but we didn't talk much. I knew he was mad at me, and I was annoyed with him too. Eventually we said our goodbyes, him heading backstage and me heading for my seat. 

Of course the show was amazing. I couldn't help myself this time, I watched Tommy almost religiously, hardly able to take my eyes off him while feeling guilty for doing so. At last the curtain dropped and I started to wander backstage.

"I just want to know what I did to make her so upset at me, so that I can make it up to her. I feel bad that I've made her so angry," Tommy's voice said suddenly.

I cringed, insides curdling up, and quickly stepped into a side room, desperate to avoid looking at him. 

"What do you mean?" Eric asked, the sound of their platform booted footsteps growing closer. 

"I mean she hates me! She didn't want to talk to me at all the entire ride to her house, I was trying to make small talk but she just turned up the radio and refused to talk to me. I feel bad, I just want to make things right between us." 

I could hear Eric let out a long sigh and pressed closer against the wall.

"Tom, you haven't done anything. She's just...I mean come on, she's Ace's daughter. I'm sure you can connect the dots." 

"Are you seriously saying it's just because I wear the Spaceman makeup?" he asked in a quiet voice after a pause. 

"Yeah. It is. You're welcome to be as nice to her as you want, to do everything you can to make up for something you haven't done, but you won't make her like you. She's as stubborn as Ace can be," Eric said. 

"Oh," Tommy said, almost sadly. 

I waited until the sound of their footsteps had retreated to step out of my side room. I felt weird inside as I walked slowly after them to the dressing room, taking my sweet time. I wasn't even able to open the door when Tommy walked out, smacking into me.

"Oh! Y/N, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you!" he said.

"It's okay," I said, feeling my cheeks flush pink.

Eric was right, I really didn't have a reason to have been so mean to Tommy. There was a long pause as we stood there before he gave me a smile. 

"So what did you think of the show?" he asked.

"Oh! I thought it was really good! You..." I faltered, feeling the words in my mouth before I finally said what I should've told him ages ago. 

"You did an amazing job, you're very talented," I said.

He looked at me in surprise before his smile grew.

"Thank you! That's very kind of you to say. You of all people would know what a good guitarist looks like," he said.

I smiled back.

"I guess I would." 

There was another pause before he picked up my hand, giving it a squeeze before letting go.

"I really am sorry about making you feel so upset what with wearing the Spaceman makeup and all. Ace is one of my guitar heroes, he always has been, it's an honor to me to be able to be the lead guitarist of Kiss. I'm well aware I'm not Ace and I don't try to be." 

"No oh Tommy you don't need to apologize, you haven't done anything. I'm the one who's sorry, I've been so rude and mean to you for no reason at all. I'm sorry, I got caught up in my father's opinions and didn't let myself form my own opinion about the man you are beneath the makeup." 

He shrugged, running a hand through his hair and giving me an almost sheepish smile. 

"It's alright, I can understand where you're coming from. If fans are pissed at me I can only imagine Ace's daughter would be too." 

There was a pause as he half turned away, about to walk down the hall.

"I'd like to get to know the man you are beneath the makeup better," I blurted out, unsure why I was even saying that.

He turned back toward me, giving me a startled look. 

"Oh, did you...mean now?" he asked, and without even realizing what I was saying I nodded.

Outta This World: A Y/N x Tommy Thayer StoryWhere stories live. Discover now