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~Time Skip 7 Months!~

I laid in bed, cuddled up against Tommy. He kissed me softly, hand moving to my baby bump. As if she knew his hand was there, our daughter twisted around, doing her best to flip like she used to despite being much too big now. Tommy smiled, resting his head on my baby bump, listening to her move. 

"Hey now Dani, settle down and cut your mom a break, hm?" he murmured, rubbing my stomach in an attempt to get her to calm down. 

I smiled, playing with his hair. 

"You're fighting a losing battle there love. She hasn't settled down in weeks," I said. 

He lifted his head, giving me a grin.

"That's because she's excited. She knows it's only a matter of days until she'll be in her mother's arms," he said, pulling me into a kiss. 

I rested my hands on my baby bump, feeling Danielle kicking. 

"I still can't believe it," I murmured. 

"Can't believe what?" 

"I can't believe that I went from absolutely hating your guts to being more in love with you than I've been with anyone and to being pregnant with your child." 

He gave me a warm smile, lovely coffee brown eyes soft. 

"And I couldn't be happier that you are. I love you with my whole heart," he said.

I smiled, snuggling deeper into his arms. 

"I love you too."

"And of course I love our sweet little Dani," he murmured, kissing my stomach before kissing me. 

"Her due date's in three days. It feels like just yesterday we were starting to talk about trying for a baby," I said, giving him a fond smile. 

He pulled the blankets higher over us, arm comfortably around my waist. 

"I know, I can hardly believe it. Hell, I can't believe your dad actually likes me now," he said with a smile.

I rolled my eyes.

"I knew he'd come around. He can just be stubborn." 

"And so can you. Must run in the family," he teased.

"Thomas Thayer, you watch yourself. You know that I'm pregnant, you've got no right to be sitting here pissing me off," I grumbled.

He laughed, giving me a squeeze. 

"Sorry babe. You know I'm only teasing, I love you for exactly who you are."

"And I love you for you just as much," I murmured, letting out a yawn. 

He kissed me on the cheek, hand still rubbing my baby bump absentmindedly, trying to get Dani to settle down for once. 

"You should get some sleep," he said in a soothing voice. 

I nearly melted at his voice and smiled, closing my eyes, resting my hand on top of his.

"I know, I know."

"Sleep well my love, I'll see you tomorrow," he said, giving me a gentle kiss. 

I drifted off to sleep, Dani at last having settled down, safe and warm in Tommy's arms.

The days flew by in a flash and within seemingly no time at all I found myself lying in a hospital bed, clutching Tommy's hand with my chest heaving.

"Breathe babe, just breathe. You've got this, just one more push," he murmured, giving my hand a squeeze. 

I let out a cry, gripping his hand tightly as I pushed until at last the shrill crying of our daughter reached my ears. I smiled, turning to look at him, tears welling up in my eyes. After he had cut the cord she was placed on my chest. I held her close, tears spilling over.

"Oh Dani," I murmured. "You're the most beautiful thing in the world," I murmured. 

Tommy smiled, tears of his own on his cheeks, and gave me a kiss.

"She is. You did a wonderful job babe, she's beautiful."

"We did a wonderful job. Takes two to make a baby," I teased, kissing Danielle on the forehead. 

"And I'm very glad we did." 

Outta This World: A Y/N x Tommy Thayer StoryWhere stories live. Discover now