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The doorbell rang and I frowned, walking to the door. We hadn't been expecting anyone, but drop ins were always fun. I pulled open the door, feeling a smile spread across my face as I looked at Eric Singer.

"Eric! It's so good to see you!" I said, giving him a hug. 

He laughed, hugging me back. 

"Hey Y/N! Been awhile! Your dad home? I wanna ask him something." 

"Sure, come in," I said, opening the door wider. 

He walked inside, giving Ace a smile as he walked into the front hall.

"Oh, hey curly! Wasn't expecting to see you. What's up?" he asked.

"Well I was just wondering if Y/N here would like to come to our show tonight! I've got a backstage pass and a front row ticket just burning a hole in my pocket," he said, slipping an arm around my shoulders with a grin.

"By herself?" Ace asked, and I frowned.

"Dad come on, I'm a grown adult, I can take care of myself! I've been going to concerts since I was a kid!" I protested.

"We'll keep an eye on her, don't worry," Eric said. 

There was a pause before, to my relief, Ace shrugged.

"Alright fine. Come home after the show, okay?" 

"Thanks Dad!" I said, giving him a tight hug.

He smiled, hugging me back.

"Of course sweetheart. Have fun and stay safe." 

Within just a few minutes, I had gotten changed into a concert outfit and was sitting in the passenger seat as Eric drove us to the arena.

"So you excited to see the rest of the band?" Eric asked, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel.

"Of course! It's always nice to see Paul and Gene," I said.

"Ah, good ol' Uncle Gene. But you sure you're not excited to see anyone else?" he asked, giving me a sly grin.

"You know the answer to that," I muttered.

Tommy Thayer was my least favorite member of Kiss hands down. He had the audacity to steal my dad's makeup, to steal his costumes, to steal his name, and I hated him for it. 

"Oh come on Y/N, I know that you had a crush on him back when it was me and Ace in the band. How come you hate him now?"

I scowled, crossing my arms in a huff, irritated at just how right he was. I had had a crush on Tommy back then, a big one. I mean how could I not? But the minute he put on my dad's makeup design was the minute I stopped loving him entirely, and so long as the makeup was on, I was going to try and stay as far away from him as possible. 

"Because he stole my dad's makeup design!" I snapped.

"So what, you hate me for wearing Peter's?" he asked.

"No! Come on Eric don't be like that, you know it's different!" 

"Why's it different?" he asked, glancing at me. 

"Well b-because you were in the band already! Before you put on his makeup you were already in the band!" 

"Tommy was in the band too, he was our tour manager," he countered. 

"Well it doesn't count! He was just a fanboy of my dad and now he's just a pale imitation!" 

"I was a Kiss fan too," he said. 

"It's different for you! Why do you even care so much?"

"Because Tommy's my friend. You want to know what I think it is? I think that your dad is mad things didn't work out for him in Kiss. He's bitter things fell apart so he's taking it out on Tommy, and you're just copying his opinions. Tommy's one of the nicest guys I know, Y/N, it's irritating to see you being so harsh to him due to circumstances beyond his control. Ace sold his makeup design, same with Peter, and it was Gene and Paul's decision to have us wear their makeup. You want to be mad at anyone, be mad at them," he said.

"Kiss ass," I muttered under my breath.

He rolled his eyes, mouth pressed into a thin line as he stared at the road. We didn't talk for the rest of the trip, both of us too annoyed with the other, although his irritation was far more justified than mine was. At last we reached the arena, and he turned to me.

"Enjoy the show, I'll see you backstage after," he said, giving me a smile before hopping out of his car. 

I found my way to the front row as usual, taking my seat and waiting eagerly for the show to begin. Of course it was amazing as always, but I did my best to avoid watching Tommy in the slightest. It felt like I was betraying Ace if I paid any attention to him. I went as far as to be on my phone during his solo. 

At last the concert drew to a close and I meandered my way backstage, taking my time. I showed my pass to the roadie, wandering the tangled mess of hallways as I tried to find the dressing room, not really paying too much attention to the path in front of me. All of a sudden I felt my feet go out from under me as I tripped on a cable I didn't see. But before I could hit the ground a pair of arms caught me.

"Careful there! You alright?"

I looked at the pair of silver platform boots in front of me, feeling my heart sink as I lifted my gaze to find myself staring at none other than one Mr. Tommy Thayer.

***Oh I do hope you like this one! I have so many ideas planned, it's going to be so fun! Much love and hugs to you all, as always the support means the world to me!!('▽'ʃ♡ƪ)***

Outta This World: A Y/N x Tommy Thayer StoryWhere stories live. Discover now