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/M/n POV/


I blew a piece of hair out of my face. It felt so strange to have a brown streak in my hair. I had always produced white hair, so it was different.

I'm sorry.

It's not your fault, darling.

Can you leave your mask off ? You're so pretty, I wanna see you.

My hand moved on their own, storing my mask in my inventory.

Dream shifted on the floor. He had been laying in that position for fourteen minutes. The shackles on his wrist clinked. I glanced at them and cringed.

Brings back bad memories.

Mine, not Ghostburs'.

Except restraints had been made of a much stronger material. I subconsciously rubbed my wrists. I could still feel the ghosts of old metal, rubbing harshly against my skin. My hand then traveled down to my ankles. Ankle chains were always a pain.

I heard a rustling from across the cell, and I raised my head. Dream had switched his seating position, he was now sitting with his legs tucked, fiddling with his fingers. I looked at him for a second before opening my inventory.

"Here," I said, handing him the object. Dream reached for it but cursed as his handcuffs got caught. Pursing my lip, I let out a huff of air through my nose. Cracking my neck, I sat up.

Reaching towards Dream, I paused as he flinched.

That surprised me. From what I had heard the others say, he was some kind of maniac that could and would manipulate you if he got the chance. A confident ex-leader that would fight until the end. Someone to fear.

But now, as I looked at him, I realized that he was so much more messed up then he let on. What happened while he was in here?

When he stilled, I continued to reach. My eyes flickered to his cuffs, and he noticed. He raised his arms slightly, and I took a gentle hold of the chain.

Can you help him?

Smiling slightly, I squeezed my hand, I could hear the chains creak. Squeezing harder, they bent. Then, they snapped. Small chunks of metal fell into my hand, which I threw behind me. Into the wall of lava.

Dream stared at his hand, opening and closing it. Stretching his fingers. He looked at me for a second before looking at the toy I had given him. It was a small plastic circle made of linking pieces, so it would move in different directions.

"What is this?" he whispered, quickly becoming transfixed with the toy. I smiled lightly as he wound the toy between his fingers, twisting and winding it to his hearts' content.

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