Hall of Mirrors

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/3rd person POV/


DreamXD 'blinked', "What?"

"I want a body for Ghostbur", M/n repeated slowly, as if he was talking to a child, "Just like his old one, but with a few tweaks." 

XD tilted his head, "What kind of tweaks?" He asked, and M/n pointed at him. "I was getting to that. Obviously, if he just appeared again, everyone would be suspicious. Dream would have had no reason to bring him back. So, he would need to hide, or", M/n paused, "be unnoticeable, smaller."

XDs head spun in a circle, "How small are you asking?" He asked, and M/n held up his hands. "About this big", M/n said, holding his hands around twelve inches (29 cm) apart. 

"Why that tiny?" XD inquired, his hands already getting to work, molding a chunk of clay he got from who knows where. M/n shrugged, "He'll be easier to hide. The smallest person that I know of is Skeppy, and I don't think anyone would be looking for someone any smaller." 

XD rolled his 'eyes' and finished the small clay figure. M/n took it in his hands and inspected it closely. The sculpture was an exact replica of Ghostbur, tiny clothes and all, its tiny hands clasped together in its lap. A serene smile stretched across its face, eyes closed.

A specific type of clay was always required, but anyone could sculpt it.

Holding the figurine as if it was glass, M/n glanced at XD and put it in a chest. "You know you can't stay here for the splitting", M/n says, "It's not allowed."  

XD rolled his non-existent eyes, "Since when were you such a stickler for rules? Last time I checked, you breaking the rules is what got you chained up in the first place." 

M/ns' face was stone cold, and he approached XD "I need to do this in peace. Get the fuck out."

Without warning, M/n grabbed XD and chucked him out the door like a baseball. "BEGONE!" XD screeched like a wet cat. 

Slamming the door with a flourish, M/n turned on his heels and went to the chest. He held the clay figurine in his hands and let out a sigh. "Are you ready, Ghostbur?"


Clasping the figurine gently between his hands, M/n brought its clay forehead and pressed it against his own. 

"Release the mortal attachments", M/n began, his voice barely a whisper.

"As though when one becomes two

I invoke thy name to see it through.

Ghostbur, spirit of Wilbur Soot.

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