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It was the end of term. Term one in second year was finished.

Naomi didn't trust herself in a room alone with Theo, not after last time.

She kept her distance, only answering his calls when he checked up on her during her stressful week of assignment hand ins.

She couldn't see him, not in person at least because despite Liv's advice, she still wanted him.

Now she wanted the real thing.

She wanted all of him.

So she was waiting.

She didn't know for what, but she was waiting for something to tell her it was okay to take that final step and have sex with him.

For something to tell him to fucking touch her already.

Because right now, if she saw him and they did have sex, because she knew it would more than likely happen now. Especially with all their restraint gone out the window, she had a feeling that she was rushing and it wasn't the right thing to do. And she was pretty sure that's why Theo was being so hesitant with her now.

But, without getting herself worked up, Naomi refocused her attention back on to the task of Christmas dinner.

It was back. The time of year when everyone was leaving literally tonight, but before they'd all rush around and manage to make a meal together.

Once again, Naomi was given the chicken, but this time with the help of Theo. They had to make two. Two because of the increase in people that were eating this year.

It was their two houses which consisted of Naomi, Tiana, liv, Eliza, Elliot, Drew, Charlie, cap, Morgan, Jack, Daniel and Theo, along with Ollie and Elijah, as well as Aimee.

"You have to stuff the chicken" She told him as she had finished making the combination of seasonings and stuffing

"Me? Why me? Why not you?" He asked

"Well I don't like the feeling of inside of a chicken and I also don't want it getting in my nails, making Christmas dinner is already messy enough" she explained

"Naomi, come on"

"Nope, now get on with it, because we're on a time crunch"

Theo groaned and began to stuff the chicken. "I wish it was you I was stuffing" he whispered

Naomi's mouth fell open at Theo's last comment.

You know what, just ignore it, she thought, as she stepped away from him so that she could breathe.

He was being a lot more open with what he was thinking ever since their shower together. He decided that he was allowed to say whatever he wanted to, considering Naomi thought it was okay to just walk into his shower and suck him off, leaving him stunned, unsure if it had actually happened or he just dreamt the whole thing. So he was now teasing her through his words because this was the first time he'd seen her inperson since then. He liked her reactions, it was fun to tease her.

He couldn't deny she looked good today, even when she literally was stressed out, dressed in baggy joggers and an oversized tee, which he was pretty sure she stole the whole outfit from him, but he didn't care, he liked her wearing his clothes.

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