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Walking down the road, Theo had his eyes set on one thing and one thing only.

Naomi's front door.

Yes it was a ten minute walk away, but that didn't falter his anger in any way.

He was pissed off and he wanted answers now.

No more waiting, no more excuses.

What he couldn't understand was why the hell did he find this out through some girl Elliott was kissing in their kitchen and not from his own girlfriend.

Why was he one of the last to know?

Why had she kept this from him?


"Yo Theo!" Crawford called out as he was walking towards Theo, ready to go to the gym as they had planned earlier

Watching Theo walk straight past him as he didn't even spare him a second glance, Crawford shouted his name once more as he followed after him, "Theo! Oi, Theo!"

Rushing after him and catching the crook of his elbow, pulling him back, Crawford furrowed his brows as he took in the look of pure anger evident on Theo's face.

"What's going on?"

"Move Crawford" Theo huffed, shrugging his touch off of him as he tried to push past him, but his teammate refused to move and instead stepped in his way once again, making sure he had to keep talking to him

"Woah, I thought we were going to the gym?" Crawford asked

Rolling his eyes because he didn't want to talk to anyone but Naomi right now, Theo grunted out a "No not anymore, now can you move" trying to step the other way so that he could walk away from Crawford

Getting his way, Crawford shook his head with a cold look, refusing to let his friend go in this state, he refused, "Nah I ain't moving, what's up?"

Scoffing at his mate's stubbornness, Theo murmured, "Nothing"

Pressing his outstretched hand to Theo's chest to keep him still, and stop him from trying to move away again, Crawford calmly asked, "If it's nothing why the fuck do you look like you want to punch me then?"

"Cause you ain't fucking moving out of my way!"

"No. No there's something else up and one thing I'm not gonna let you do is go somewhere pissed off, where you're willing to fight your friends" Crawford raised his eyebrows in acknowledgment of Theo's almost routine like anger whenever something pissed him off during football

"Come on" he ushered Theo as he nodded his head in the opposite direction of Naomi's house and to follow after him instead

"Huh?" Theo was thrown off by Crawford's grin as he let him go and was trying to get him to go somewhere

Knowing Theo's attitude almost too well because he has witnessed it more times than he could count, Crawford led the way to the one thing he knew would get him out of his head because they hadn't really spent all that much time together other than teammates.

"Come on, we're going to the pub" Crawford smoothly called out as he didn't even need to look over his shoulder to know that Theo was following after hi

"The pub?" Theo questioned, confused as to where that came from

Listing off all the reasons as to why he thought it was a suitable idea, Crawford could already sense Theo's anger lessening, "Pub, bar - whichever is closest. It's got food, music and drinks - you'll spill one way or another and I think you need it"

Reluctantly Theo followed after his friend because it's not like he had much of a choice, Crawford would probably tackle him to the ground if he tried to get away and he wasn't wasting his efforts on a fight with him.

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